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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Does the Xbox 720 need Blu-ray to succeed?

I gaurentee it wont be DVD. i think it will prolly be HD-DVD or some other proprietary format. Or possibly (maybe) blu-ray. But not DVD. I get the feeling Microsoft is gonna try to be the Powerhouse and easy to develop for console again next gen because thats seemed to work really well for them. And in order to boost that image it needs a next gen media format.

But those are just my opinions not really facts. Let me know what you think

Long Live SHIO!

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Yeah thats what i was saying they will try and be the most powerful console and still be easy to develop for. But i also think they will be the first new console out the door so it may be like this Gen where theyre console is the most powerful for 3rd parties and lazy developers but if developers spend alot of time and effort they can squeeze the ps3 an extra little bit and make the games look just a tad better.

Because i also see Sony trying to be the powerhouse again what do you think

Long Live SHIO!

The reason is simple: Microsoft doesn't want to pay a competitor -- Sony, the key backer behind the Blu-ray Association -- to use its format.

Sony holds royalties in DVD technology, CD technology, and other technologies currently used in the 360.  Oh noes, they're paying Sony!

Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, Microsoft realizes that Blu-ray isn't an ideal format, given the fact Blu-ray's chance of success is very much in doubt.

Oh it is, eh?  It may end up somewhat niche, but it's not going to die or anything like that.

Beyond cost, what's so bad with DVD? The games look perfectly fine on the format, most developers haven't had too much trouble developing for DVDs, and even less have spent time complaining that it's not as capable as Blu-ray.

Yeah, and some games already take up to four discs. What if Sony had stuck with CDs for the ps2?  We would've seen 8+ disc games.

In fact, I've heard more gripes from developers about Blu-ray than DVD lately.

The only complaints have been with Blu-Ray's read speeds, due to the ps3's 2x BD-Rom drive.  They already have 8x drives on the market, and they'll probably be up to 24x or higher by the next generation.  How will DVD compete with that?  128x drives?


And honestly, does he REALLY think that Microsoft's next Media Center console won't have the abillity to read the primary HD movie format on the market?

How this man has a job with CNet of all places is beyond me.

Microsoft doesn't need blu-ray, but they do need a larger storage medium.
By the time the 720 is out there should be a great deal of $100 or less blu-ray players on the market (there are already quite a few in the $150 range) and people will have those as options besides the $300-$400 PS3.

One of the main reason for PS2's sucess was the inclusion of the DVD player when the price was still high, but that is not the case anymore for Blu-Ray, and won't be the case when the 720 is out either. MS does not need a blu-ray player.

It's just that simple.

Well if you look at the recent trend Blu-Ray is getting more pwerful Day by Day as a format, and its looking like it will over-throw DVD at some point in time.

As for MS's Next gaming beast, its to early to say.

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Blu-Ray will be irrelevant come next generation and a different media format will be introduced in 3 to 4 years time which we probably will find out about within a year or two from now.

Blu-Ray will overthrow DVD when It's $40-$60 in price in comparison to DVD players. People don't understand that the $25 Blu-Ray movie is leaps and bounds beyond DVD quality, but they won't be willing to understand that at the high price. It doesn't help either that theres no "Redbox" for Blu-Ray movies - you gota pay blockbuster's high cost to rent the movie or actually buy it. With Redbox I can rent a movie for a dollar and watch it in SD, which works for me right now till the blu-ray costs come down, and few movies are worth spending $25+ on (granted that's what you'll spend in the movies these days).

It's just that simple.

numonex said:
Blu-Ray will be irrelevant come next generation and a different media format will be introduced in 3 to 4 years time which we probably will find out about within a year or two from now.


that depends if they can utilize the 10+ layer blu-ray properly....if they can make it'll be same as jumping from dvd to blu-ray without having to upgrade...8gb to 50gb...50 gb to 400-500gb...if this is the case.....they won't need to make another format for a long time...dvd was introduced in 1996...dual layer was optional but more expensive but came out at the same time....dvd didnt' even start to become the primary source of media until after year 2000...12 years later...dvd is now the best selling option for media....blu-ray will not be replace in 3- 4 years...and also once they start marketing 10+ layer blu-ray there is no need for marketing new format because by the time that much space is needed on a disc, consumer will already have familiarized themselves with format that comes out will have no chance of winning the next format war....unless they have sumthing real special they can offer like 2 time more space but at half the price of blu-ray...

i believe a firmware is the only thing necessary for blu-ray players to read the 10+ layer blu-ray...and toshiba has already developed it...i think it was toshiba...not sure...i forget who...i'm not in the mood to look it up right now...whoever knows if it's wrong...correct me i must go back to enjoying my animes...