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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony: Motorstorm Pacific Rift hits over a million sold

Well, assuming it has shipped that amount and sold a lot less those who want the game will soon be able to pick it up a bit cheaper than launch.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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to answer one question in the thread: over here MS2 isn't discounted (yet >_>)

I guess that Sony should be happy that retailers perhaps overestimated this title, as it probably got them some profit already, despite it doing pretty badly.

The people who suffer the most probably (as a discounted version is very probable with the current sales and the numbers still on the shelves) are the retailers in this case.

Perhaps an example of a game which has done quite badly in the charts, but which still managed to pull a profit because of retailer pre-orders?

I wish MS:PR was discounted. I can't get any stores to give me a deal!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Sounds fishy to me...although there are a lot of copies on shelves...

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

hmm, looks like everything ps3 is being undertracked recently.

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WTF of year.



Take my love, take my land..

Ok so when its a sony game its shipped vs sold, but in various other cases, when its another game that isnt sony (GEARS) its sold not shipped. What is the difference?

Why is it that gears according to microsoft is about to break 3 million, and vgchartz says "Oh well its a week late, should have sold 300k by now, we are on target!", then wtf happened to the SHIPPED vs SOLD argument??


papflesje said:
to answer one question in the thread: over here MS2 isn't discounted (yet >_>)

In a tricky way, yes it is (at least in Switzeland). A few weeks ago, some retailers started to reduce the price of the 80G bundle with Motorstorm PR by around $40. Currently, almost all retailers followed suit so this bundle is now the cheapest PS3 you can get (and the only bundle that sells below MSRP). All other 6 or so bundles still sell at MSRP. (And I guess Sony counts the Motorstorm bundles into their "over 1 Mio Motorstorm sold"..)


Please remember that Sony is currently giving away a free game in most European country incl Australia and NZ(confirm?). The list include LBP, R2 and MS2 among others. I don't think there is any way VG can track these accurately.

Quite a few people on my Friends list have this game, and so do I.

Seems fairly popular.

PSN - hanafuda