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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2: Best reviewed game of all time

I can swear that I have seen the original posters of similar threads on Nintendo section being accused by so many as troll and most of the times, ban hammer has been used. But someone like SmokedHostage can have a pass because he thinks he punk'd others...

No! It is because he is a Nintendo fanboy, and Nintendo fanboys have a special place on VGChartz. Actually, that is because they are not very welcomed in other places, but in here, there is always "Wii sells more!!!!11" Or 'Nintendo prints more money so I should be happy, YAY!!!!11'

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hentai_11 said:

See 1:20 to 1:36 of the video.

You do know that video was made in early 2007 right? You do know that was made by an Xbox fanboy, right? You do know that Phil Harrison was fired over a year ago, right?

PS3 hate is so 2007...


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Most likely Killzone 1 hurt sales a bit.



Take my love, take my land..

Kantor said:
hentai_11 said:

See 1:20 to 1:36 of the video.

You do know that video was made in early 2007 right? You do know that was made by an Xbox fanboy, right? You do know that Phil Harrison was fired over a year ago, right?

PS3 hate is so 2007...


But this is still happening....

"now your getting your arse kicked by the Wii"

Great song but it is a little out of date.




Imthelegend said:
Kantor said:
hentai_11 said:

See 1:20 to 1:36 of the video.

You do know that video was made in early 2007 right? You do know that was made by an Xbox fanboy, right? You do know that Phil Harrison was fired over a year ago, right?

PS3 hate is so 2007...


But this is still happening....

"now your getting your arse kicked by the Wii"

Great song but it is a little out of date.


It's not a good song. But i don't like the original either (i think they both suck)


If you wanna post a good song...

This song is one of the best songs ever !


Check out my game about moles ^

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woo hoo! 10/10!



Killzone 2 will be HUGE.

100% metacritic, 10 million lifetime






^^^i see what you got ,,i double it.

200% on metacritics and 20 million LTD ;)




Why make this thread? If certain peoples opinions of how great the game looks seems arbitrary incorrect in some way, then so does everything that vgc represents.

You are not just making fun of them (the largest of Killzone fans) by creating this thread.. but you are making fun of VGchartz as a whole.

Talking about Killzone and other exciting games is what VGC is for, its what we do here.

If you don't approve of something or are sad that you won't be able to play Killzone 2- then I am sorry.

But why mock people. The simple fact of the matter is, you didn't go far enough. Because much of what was said is true about Killzone.

It does rival crisis. It will be the best graphical FPS ever released on a console, and when FPS's are concerned, graphics actually do play an integral part in the whole experience.

Killzone will slam your face into the mud!

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

I can't wait to see the results guys ... Original Killzone was less than a million ?


Halo killer ? Didn't happen the first time ... so 8.5 millions to beat !


The IWBH effect is strong on this one and the pressure to deliver very high.


No PS3 Fanboys glorified B*llshit or metacritics or whatever.... only facts people...


->->->-> 8.5 Millions !!!!!


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.