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Forums - Sales Discussion - Could Gen 7 be the first gen ever to have no new companys?

In gen 6 a record was set in that it was the first generation ever to have only one new company launch a console. While this gen isn't over yet, there is nothing announced, leading me to wonder if we might see a generation with only the existing companys duking it out. (and only three of them at that)


How did we get to this situation and what does it say about the industry? If video games really are growing bigger than ever then, there should be companys drooling over this big pie and planning to steal a piece of it for themselves. (as they were in gens 1,2,4 and 5)


My best guess is that the very public failure of Sega, and very expensive strategy employed by Sony and MS has scared off some of the would be entrants. But that can't really be it can it? Does anyone else have some better reasons why this huge industry has only seen one new entrant since 1995?

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The industry finally got 3 big juggernaut's, It seem these days despite the amount of growth its too expensive and risky to enter, especially against, like I said, 3 big companys like Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony.


Apple, with the iPhone.

Lol, I'm joking.

Your probably right. I'm calling 3 straight gens of the big 3. No new ones next gen. No EA or Apple console yet.

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Kasz216 said:

And let's not forget the Vii.

Actually forget it. =P



Yea, back in the old days there were a crap load of minor entrants... NEC, Panasonic... etc.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

Actually, I've predicted that another company will enter this gen but so far, there's no indication of that happening. Then again, if you want to blind side the existing players with your novel take on video games you wouldn't want them to have much warning. So it could still happen.

But based on current realities I'd have to guess MS and Sony's immense losses must be scaring competition away. Then again, Nintendo has proven you don't need to follow a loss leading strategy to succeed (or at least be profitable like GC).


its too risky and it would take shitload of money for any company to enter and try to compete with 3 already established companies.

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

Gamerace said:
Actually, I've predicted that another company will enter this gen but so far, there's no indication of that happening. Then again, if you want to blind side the existing players with your novel take on video games you wouldn't want them to have much warning. So it could still happen.

But based on current realities I'd have to guess MS and Sony's immense losses must be scaring competition away. Then again, Nintendo has proven you don't need to follow a loss leading strategy to succeed (or at least be profitable like GC).

I could see someone like Apple entering the market sometime in the distant future using a format similar to the Zeebo system Kasz posted a link to.

Something akin to a media center game system with a built-in iTunes store. Not as powerful as the competition, features more old or quirky games. Downloaded games only, unique controller as a hook.

Basically combine the hub features of the HD consoles with the simple pick-up and play aspect of the Wii on a single closed set-up.