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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Real Talk with Snake612: December 8, 2008

@RolStoppable, i am planning to interview two people in the next thread.


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looks good interview a fun person next time though

the song is a mix from daft punk

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nice read , love it and congratz on ur new laptop
btw I think posting Real Talk thread 5 times a week is a bad idea
once or twice every week is better

Blasphemy! Rol's favorite Sonic game is not on the Genesis/Mega Drive.. -cries a bit-

Pixel Art can be fun.

RolStoppable said:
Another good read, but you really have to interview someone who is more interesting than the guy this time. Some people might fall asleep halfway through the post.

I thought the interview was okay. Mind you, each time I woke up from my unexplained nap I forgot what exactly had happened earlier, but it was easy enough to pick up from context, so no biggie.


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RolStoppable said:
SmokedHostage said:
Blasphemy! Rol's favorite Sonic game is not on the Genesis/Mega Drive.. -cries a bit-

I love racing games, therefore the Sonic Rush titles are my favorites.

By that logic, shouldn't Sonic R be your favorite Sonic game..


Pixel Art can be fun.

Good real talk yet again!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

RolStoppable said:
SmokedHostage said:
RolStoppable said:
SmokedHostage said:
Blasphemy! Rol's favorite Sonic game is not on the Genesis/Mega Drive.. -cries a bit-

I love racing games, therefore the Sonic Rush titles are my favorites.

By that logic, shouldn't Sonic R be your favorite Sonic game..

No, because loving racing games doesn't mean that I would want to play bad games.

Well played Mr. Stoppable.. -disappears in a cloud of smoke-


Pixel Art can be fun.

Rol interview was cool.

Kanye West and Daft Punk in one thread, I have to go listen to some rock now to flush it from my system!

I like these threads Snake, but you should remember to choose people with varying ideologies and tastes to spice things up a little! Maybe pick someone fresh or some kind of underdog who can surprise everyone!