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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is Sackboy still Sony's mascot? Also, why didn LBP sell?

Squilliam said:
Dinomax said:
Seeing how the internet pretty much jumped on the ""Wait for Killzone 2!"" bandwagon after LBP failed to live up to the unrealistic expectations.

Move over Sack boy, on to the PSP with you to make way for more burly shooters or something with killing for god's sake.

LBP = success.

Killzone 2 = probable success.

You = Fail.



Exactly.  The game is tracking between Uncharted and Call of Duty 4, closer to Call of Duty 4:

It has sold a million in 4-5 weeks.  That's damn good for a new IP.

Also, why is it that people can't be excited about Killzone 2 (or any other ps3 game) without being accused of proclaiming it to be some sort of "savior" for the ps3 or some other such nonsense?


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Sony's never really had a mascot, (although Crash, Spyro, Kratos have been close at times) it's a smart move since having a mascot such as Mario or Master Chef tends to divert attention towards games featuring these characters and thus away from other games you want to promote (MGS,GT,GTA etc.) However the PS3 really could use a rallying cry of some sorts to increase demand and mascots are very useful for that sort of thing.

LBP sales are solid and it will continue to sell well through the holidays, don't get disappointed because certain Sony fanboys expected unrealistic sales.

Squilliam, FTW.

makingmusic476 said:
Squilliam said:
Dinomax said:
Seeing how the internet pretty much jumped on the ""Wait for Killzone 2!"" bandwagon after LBP failed to live up to the unrealistic expectations.

Move over Sack boy, on to the PSP with you to make way for more burly shooters or something with killing for god's sake.

LBP = success.

Killzone 2 = probable success.

You = Fail.



Exactly.  The game is tracking between Uncharted and Call of Duty 4, closer to Call of Duty 4:®2=All&game2=Call+of+Duty+4%3A+Modern+Warfare+-+PS3®3=All&game3=Uncharted%3A+Drakes+Fortune+-+PS3&weeks=50

It has sold a million in 4-5 weeks.  That's damn good for a new IP.

Also, why is it that people can't be excited about Killzone 2 (or any other ps3 game) without being accused of proclaiming it to be some sort of "savior" for the ps3 or some other such nonsense?


great post. /End thread


DMeisterJ said:
Squilliam, FTW.


 maxwellgt2000 Earthbound > all: DMJ is not a credible source

Don't believe him!! Hes evil, and doesn't deserve to be on your PSN list.


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Thank you makingmusic! People overexagerrated groups of people reactions and expectations too much on this site. (Motorstorm sales, Resistance 2 sales, LBP, etc)

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

William Shatner married another man in the series finale of Boston Legal tonight. So, with the shatner as your avatar do you now admit your love of men?

Squilliam likes dudes confirmed???

lol. JK obviously.

PS3 Trophies



I think Snake should be Sony's mascot. That is if Sony buys Konami.

Whao People I think we have buried Spyro the Dragon a little too soon!

I mean he almost had a come back on the Gamecube.....

the above was a joke..I have learned that humor is best explained on the internet (collage is realy paying off!lol)

I think Sackboy has a way to go before brand recognition kicks in, if ever,

also the company that made the Fellow in question is 2nd party so they own the IP, and may not want it to be Sony's mascot...

LBP is still selling, and the final number  depends on how many games are traded in at Game Stop and such. aA the store(s) in my area, second hand copies are abundant, and are sold and traded in on a regular basis .

So may I pose the idea that the Trade in system is hurting LBP more than other Games?

What the fuck is wrong with you ppl...
0.96 million for a new IP within a month is awesome!! you psycho ppl keep saying it sold bad.. Since media molecule had only about 30 ppl working on this i expect that they would have made bundles and bundles of screw all of you for saying that it sold bad in comparision to Gears of phoar 2 which sold 50 million copies in one day..or halo 3 which sold a billion copies..