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Forums - Sales Discussion - So have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place been decided for this generation?

How long do you think we have left before the end of this generation, and do you think 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place has already been determined?


If not, then what needs to happen in order to get one company to switch places (in terms of sales) with another?

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Huge PS3 price cut can do some impact IMO, but everyone disagrees with me so yea.



I think this gen will end in Q4 2011 when the PS4 and 720 release. 1st place is decided, not sure about 2nd place. A year ago, everyone was saying the PS3 is doomed for 3rd place. 6 months later, everyone was saying the 360 was doomed for 3rd place. Now everyone is saying the PS3 is doomed for 3rd place again. I'm sure things will change again in 6 months.


Xbox 3 will release in Nov 2011. (PS4 in spring 2012)

Wii will sell 140 million units.

PS3 will sell 60 million units.

X360 will sell 55 million.

leo-j said:
Huge PS3 price cut can do some impact IMO, but everyone disagrees with me so yea.


 I know this is Leo-J but I am still going to respond.

Every moment that people become exposed to either the Wii or the 360 dilutes the strength of the Playstation brand.

That means every article about Wii holiday sales or sell outs. that Means walking into a store and seeing more real estate for the 360 than PS3 for games and accessories. Or big ad spaces in Best Buy or so forth. The more this contimues the more people gravitate from a desire to have a PS3 just because it is a Playstation.

With the Hardcore crowd it is all about games that suit their needs and the 360 library chips away at that in the states. As well as the less loaded cash strapped Hardcore gamer who decides to get the 360 +2 games instead of a PS3.

At this point the price is not the issue with the PS3.


Remember how the $250 Toyota beat the $99 Lexus really badly last gen...It isn't just price it is reality.


The PS3 will survive don't worry and it will get games and thanks to Nintendo's strategy there will be more games available for the 2nd and 3rd consoles this gen as well.

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I think thats it...we know the wii had won, barring some sort of major catastrophe, and unless the PS3 gets a continued stream of huge exclusives the 360 has beaten it

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

No. PS3 is going to skyrocket into 1st place by the end this generation. You just watch....10 YEAR PLAN MAN!!!

handhelds, DS > PSP, no question

consoles? its a toss up, but i think

wii> 360> ps3.

i guess we'll have to see tho.
wii is def first

It will be embarassing for Sony if 360 outsells Ps3. At worst PS3 will have to outsell 360 by over 20 million units by 2011 or else sony would have lost a gigantic amount of market share from PS2 to MS alone. Ain't gonna happen though. I reckon 360 will get to 40 mil, PS3 45 mil and wii...well i dont'really care.


1rst place yes. I think 2nd is still up for grabs depending on what Sony does in 09, if they can't decrease the gap next year then I think they'll be stuck in 3rd.

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