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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bundled games ALSO count as a seller

Many people disagree when we say that Wii Sports will be the most sucessfull game ever in console history.

Because it is bundled.

So let's get things straight here:

- Wii Sports come bundled, but guess what, it is not free. You pay it.

- Wii Sports is already counting 34.98 Million

- You can't exclude Wii Sports because doing so you're excluding a game you actually pay.

- Even if you don't consider these statements as valid ones, you gotta do so. KNOW WHY?

          Answer: Because exluding Wii Sports you gotta analyse EVERY GAME AGAIN and remove the sales from bundled packs.


Examples: Metal Gear Solid 4 didn't sold 3.55 million, because half a million was bundled!

                  Gears of War didn't sold 5.48 million. More than a half million was bundled!

                  Forza 2 sold almost nothing. It was bundled on unccountable SKUs.



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Generally I would disagree as many bundled games are not particulalry wanted by the buyer, but are often instead a way of shops offloading excess stock or seeming to be selling the console with the attraction of a "free" game. In the case of Wii Sports, however, that point cannot be made. Many people were sold on the Wii precisely because of that game, and even managed to be a multi million seller in the region where it wasn't bundled. If you look at how the likes of MK and Wii Fit are still selling like brand new releases, there's no reason to suppose that Wii Sports wouldn't have been a monster even if it hadn't been bundled. A marketing stroke of genius from Nintendo that they did bundle it, however, at a time when releasing consoles with a packaged game seemed to have become a thing of the past.

And now the strategy "of the past" is what we can see everywhere x)

'metal gear solid 4 didnt sold 3.55 million'


I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

People buy Wiis so they can play Wii Sports. Trust me. The game counts. Either way, the consumer's motivation can not be accounted for, so we should count all game sales.

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I believe bundles should count as long as the software is not first party and is available to be purchased at retail or over a console network (Live, Home, etc.) separately.

Why is Hexic not tracked for 360 if WiiSports is tracked? It ships with every 360 hard drive. And Uno and Pac-man ship with every arcade 360. Why are they not tracked?

Huh? We are not paying for wiisports, the game is damn free. In countries where the wii doesn't come bundled with the game the system costs just as much as in countries where it does.

NeoRatt said:
I believe bundles should count as long as the software is not first party and is available to be purchased at retail or over a console network (Live, Home, etc.) separately.

Why is Hexic not tracked for 360 if WiiSports is tracked? It ships with every 360 hard drive. And Uno and Pac-man ship with every arcade 360. Why are they not tracked?

Hexic HD is a downloaded game... that's predownloaded on to the 360's harddrive.  How is that the same?

It's just a pure download game when it's directly on the HD.  It's just... predownloaded.

Kasz216 said:
NeoRatt said:
I believe bundles should count as long as the software is not first party and is available to be purchased at retail or over a console network (Live, Home, etc.) separately.

Why is Hexic not tracked for 360 if WiiSports is tracked? It ships with every 360 hard drive. And Uno and Pac-man ship with every arcade 360. Why are they not tracked?

Hexic HD is a downloaded game... that's predownloaded on to the 360's harddrive.  How is that the same?

It's just a pure download game when it's directly on the HD.  It's just... predownloaded.

Hexic should not be tracked because it is first party...  I was simply stating why should it not be included while WiiSports is.  I see no difference between the two.  Both are available entirely free.

We can buy and download Uno and Pac-man digitally over Live and we have to pay for them, so why aren't they considered bundled games?  I'm sure that if Warhawk (which is a downloadable game) was bundled it would be tracked.

The point I'm trying to make is:  that we have rules that seem to apply to some games and not to others in tracking on this site.  I would like to see a clear statement as to what does and does not constituite a trackable bundle.  And I would like to see them applied universally.


NeoRatt said:
I believe bundles should count as long as the software is not first party and is available to be purchased at retail or over a console network (Live, Home, etc.) separately.

Why is Hexic not tracked for 360 if WiiSports is tracked? It ships with every 360 hard drive. And Uno and Pac-man ship with every arcade 360. Why are they not tracked?

I totally agree with the first paragraph.

It's a bad joke to count Wii Sports like every other game, because you don't have the choice to buy the console without the game for a cheaper price (I'm talking about NA+Others)

Wii Sports has a attach rate of 46,3% in Japan. If we assume that attach rate in NA and Others the game would have sold about 18 million units without bundling. Pretty good, but those numbers are very inaccurate of course.