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Many people disagree when we say that Wii Sports will be the most sucessfull game ever in console history.

Because it is bundled.

So let's get things straight here:

- Wii Sports come bundled, but guess what, it is not free. You pay it.

- Wii Sports is already counting 34.98 Million

- You can't exclude Wii Sports because doing so you're excluding a game you actually pay.

- Even if you don't consider these statements as valid ones, you gotta do so. KNOW WHY?

          Answer: Because exluding Wii Sports you gotta analyse EVERY GAME AGAIN and remove the sales from bundled packs.


Examples: Metal Gear Solid 4 didn't sold 3.55 million, because half a million was bundled!

                  Gears of War didn't sold 5.48 million. More than a half million was bundled!

                  Forza 2 sold almost nothing. It was bundled on unccountable SKUs.

