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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IR is better FPS control than Mouse & Keyboard

Sorry, mouse+keyboard is a lot better than wiimote. But of course you can have your opinion. ;)

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Esa-Petteri said:
Sorry, mouse+keyboard is a lot better than wiimote. But of course you can have your opinion. ;)


It goes without saying that we're all entitled to our own opinions, but a good argument is more than that.

In my OP, I tried to argue why my opinion is correct, so: why do you think that mouse & keyboard is a lot better than a Wiimote?

the big downsides of that combo in my opinion are:
1.) that your viewing and turning controls aren't independend (like they are with keyboard+mouse) and things don't get better with the dull and irresponsive analogue stick control, that doesn't even come close to the split second absolute control you have over your head/torso

in reality you don't have to turn your body to look around and in reality you don't even have to look around as much because
2.) you have a far wider field of view than the ones possible on TV or monitor - ofcourse this is a point K&M can't do anything about either, but because the viewing controls of the mouse are so super responsive this problem just isn't as obvious with those controls

3.) lag - I'm not sure why it's never mentioned, but I personally always feel a noticeable lag between movement and visualization in Wii games or atleast in the ones I played .. I hope this will improve drastically, for I am all for motion controls (the decade old Joypad system HAD to be revolutionized and I'm really glad Nintendo did so) and if some of the next gen consoles don't have this input lag I'll gladly pick up a console with that feature, but in this generation the controls just don't seem to be sophisticated enough for my taste (well, there is hope for Wii Motion + I guess)

What I dont like about mouse and keyboard is that it takes the fun out of a game, I dont know if its just me, but thats just how I feel when I play a PC game.


leo-j said:
What I dont like about mouse and keyboard is that it takes the fun out of a game, I dont know if its just me, but thats just how I feel when I play a PC game.

Same here.

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Well first off, I can't use mouse and keyboard because I enjoy typing too much :x and the whole wasd thing just doesn't work for me... home row or nothing ;-;

But I'm also going to disagree with the Wii-mote being awesome and then some. People like to use the theory that it puts you more into the game then pushing a button does, and while that's true to a point, it's not quite true "enough".

I was playing No more Hero's, and I was having alot of difficulty executing certain finishers, so I ask my friend, hey wtf? He tells me I'm "doing the move wrong". o.O???? I inform him that he's just talking silly, I'm essentially replicating the move I see on screen when the animation is completed, and he tell's me, "well instead of a full swing, just start from the center and flick outwards". @^@#$@? The fuch? How is something that's supposed to be natural, turned into a flick from the center? It's not immersible at all!

If the Wii-mote was more accurate on it's control over motion, I'd probably agree with you in full, but it doesn't feel like your doing the controlling, and it takes more effort than pushing buttons :/

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I am hoping that a future of game controller has: at least 5 analog sticks, 20 tiny buttons and one giant d-pad. This would be more immersive and natural than holding a gun-like controller in a hologram like setup.

Seriously though, I agree with the original post. I would add that Wiimote + 46" screen TV = good times for me!!! I used to play COD on my PC but I only have a 19" monitor.

I am surprised this didnt become a flaming thread yet.

ill have to argue against this later since im on my cell phone but lets see if wii+ can match 2000dps mice. only realistic controls is vr + motion cap + fake plastic weapon.

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thekitchensink said:

One thing I'd like to see them implement is the ability to blind-fire behind you while running. They could easily accomplish this, as since blind-fire isn't accurate, they just need to know the general direction the Wii-mote's facing.

This... is an awesome idea. Aiming the wiimote behind you over your shoulder to shoot backwards... oh the possibilities.


I'm with the OP here. I'm not a big fan of FPS on consoles because I can't get a hang of the controls well enough to be any good (or at least good against humans). On the PC, this problem is lessened, but I don't get quite the enjoyment out of it, since multiplayer is never next to you (unless you have LAN parties...), and [local] multiplayer is one of the things I like most about games. So the Wii controls give the best of both worlds - good enough accuracy, and easy enough controls, with the ability to have local multiplayer (though only CD3 had it, so still waiting on that...). Overall, it's just a more enjoyable experience.

But IR is a better control mechanism for FPS' because it is closer to the actual activity involved

bah if you want that get a rail shooter peharps. But FPS have 3 important control inputs:

Look direction.

With keyboard/mouse and dual analog you shoot where you look. With IR you point somewhere and look around when you reach the border. Totally disorienting. Pointing devices are simply limited to the direction you look or for rail shooters. The quake trailer that was on the site recently looked cool, doesn't change the fact that keyboard/mouse is head/shoulders and feet above IR because the looking around input has been solved much better. (This is also better in dual analog, but its too slow and unprecise)