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the big downsides of that combo in my opinion are:
1.) that your viewing and turning controls aren't independend (like they are with keyboard+mouse) and things don't get better with the dull and irresponsive analogue stick control, that doesn't even come close to the split second absolute control you have over your head/torso

in reality you don't have to turn your body to look around and in reality you don't even have to look around as much because
2.) you have a far wider field of view than the ones possible on TV or monitor - ofcourse this is a point K&M can't do anything about either, but because the viewing controls of the mouse are so super responsive this problem just isn't as obvious with those controls

3.) lag - I'm not sure why it's never mentioned, but I personally always feel a noticeable lag between movement and visualization in Wii games or atleast in the ones I played .. I hope this will improve drastically, for I am all for motion controls (the decade old Joypad system HAD to be revolutionized and I'm really glad Nintendo did so) and if some of the next gen consoles don't have this input lag I'll gladly pick up a console with that feature, but in this generation the controls just don't seem to be sophisticated enough for my taste (well, there is hope for Wii Motion + I guess)