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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In your opinion, between Sony and MS, who has better 1st/2nd party titles?

makingmusic476 said:
Acevil said:
wfz said:
Khuutra said:
leo-j said:
Sony is a bigger 1st party dev than nintendo.. they have much more ip than nintendo and microsoft combined.

....Say again?


OT: I'll go with Sony, if only for Team ICO.


Yeah Leo, I'd also love to hear you clarify what you just said, with some facts.


I'm also of the same opinion of Khuutra, I'd go for Sony over Microsoft if only for Team ICO.

He never really explains that view. I seen that posted a couple of times.



He's almost right.  Sony employs more developers than Nintendo and Microsoft combined.  They were the third largest development house behind Ubisoft and EA before the Blizzard/Activision merger.  I'm not sure where things stand now.


So are we talking about how many people employed, how many dev teams there are, how many games come out per year, or how many IPs they have? Leo seemed to be suggesting that Sony had more IPs, which I didn't know. Can we get a list from both companies?

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wfz said:
makingmusic476 said:
Acevil said:
wfz said:
Khuutra said:
leo-j said:
Sony is a bigger 1st party dev than nintendo.. they have much more ip than nintendo and microsoft combined.

....Say again?


OT: I'll go with Sony, if only for Team ICO.


Yeah Leo, I'd also love to hear you clarify what you just said, with some facts.


I'm also of the same opinion of Khuutra, I'd go for Sony over Microsoft if only for Team ICO.

He never really explains that view. I seen that posted a couple of times.



He's almost right.  Sony employs more developers than Nintendo and Microsoft combined.  They were the third largest development house behind Ubisoft and EA before the Blizzard/Activision merger.  I'm not sure where things stand now.


So are we talking about how many people employed, how many dev teams there are, how many games come out per year, or how many IPs they have? Leo seemed to be suggesting that Sony had more IPs, which I didn't know. Can we get a list from both companies?

According to Wikipedia, Sony owns the right to 88 IPs

Of course some are long dead. And it's not exhaustive, since it doesn't include Sony Online games. Can't find a similar list for Nintendo, though

Hmm...Last gen, I would have said "Sony". But now there are very few exclusives both MS and Sony can be proud of.

Since I'm a pretty big shooter fan, it's close to a tie.

If we're going for overall quality and diversity, Sony by a mile. I'd rank Sony's first party offerings right there with Big N.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Sony. But as of right now I play Halo 3 MP more than Resistance 2 MP :(

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Sony definitely, the only MS games I've really been interested in are Fable I/II.

Sony Computer Entertainment

4 ≈ One

Sony wins.

Third member of the Sonic Support Squad.  Member of the Fierce Fox Force.

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I've only had my Ps3 since June and to be honest i really like the sony first party line more then the 360's and I've had my 360 since march of 06 but I just wish the PS3 had more exculsives at the moment.

looking at overall game selection, I'd say it's nearly an exact tie with an edge to MS. However, looking at 1st/2nd party, it's not even close. Sony by lightyears. The only other dev that even comes close is Nintendo and this gen I think even they are a falling behind.

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it