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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The most over discussed gaming topics this generation

As a long time gamer I've interacted with a lot of gaming forums and websites. As gaming evolves and changes it brings many topics of discussion, some more important than others. But it gets to the point where the topic refuses to die and thus it becomes annoying and you just want people to shut up and whine about something else.


Here are some of the topics are too discussed this generation of gaming. Feel free to add more if you like.


Here we go...

The "Casual gaming debacle" topic: Or the "boo hoo Nintendo doesn't care about me!" topic, or the "Gaming is dying" topic. Look,  just because casual gaming is taking off it doesn't mean that Nintendo doesn't care about you or that modern gaming is going extinct. Last I heard "Gears of War 2" is still selling despite the fact that half the world is buying "Wii Fit". Change doesn't happen overnight, it takes years. We still don't know if casual gaming will really change videogames forever, so stop dragging it like the corpse of a kitten that died when you were 4 years old...


The "gaming is turning kids into violent adults" topic: Now this is a topic that refuses to die. Despite many findings saying that gaming has NOTHING to do with the development of a child people still cling onto the belief that games really do turn kids into violent psychopaths, and whenever a crazy murder happens the first one to get the blame are games. Yes, gaming CAN play heavily into the development of a child. But that's what parents are for. Their job is to guide them through life, teaching them right from wrong. If they don't want kids playing games then they shouldn't give it to them in the first place. This needs to die and FAST!


The "HD gaming is the way of the future" topic: Ever since both the 360 and the PS3 promised hi-def gaming unlike any other some fans are hanging onto the hope that HD gaming IS the way of the future. They want the Wii to be EXACTLY like them. They spend thousands of dollars creating the ultimate gaming station. The truth is that this is a load of bullcrap. Yes, sooner or later all analog sets will be replaced by HD sets. It just won't happen NOW. People have yet to fully accept the new HD format because they are too broke to buy new TV sets, yes even the cheap ones. HD sets is a luxury right now, not a necessity, so stop plugging HD gaming as the way of the future RIGHT NOW when its now a luxury only the core accept.

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Blu Ray vs whatever it is against this week - whether it be HD DVDs or DVDs or digital distribution.

Haha, good thread

Whether sales of Wii Sports/Play/Fit count

Um im sick of (insert console of your choice) is doomed!!!!!!!! OMG theyre not winning the console sales were not gonna have any fun games to play blah blah.

Lol those to me are the dumbest threads ever

Long Live SHIO!

Exclusivity of games.

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Nope, none of you are correct the answer is freaking Kingdom Hearts 3!!

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

Ooh what about *insert game here* flopped! Only 600k first week!

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

How about fanboys trying to count how many leaves render on background trees so they can claim that the 360 version of a game is "better" than the PS3 version, or vice-versa?

How about the review discussion, type A: Saying a game's good because of good reviews, or that a game sucks because it got bad reviews.

Or, review discussion, type B: Saying that reviews should be scrapped because a person happens to disagree with a reviewer.

Falcon095 said:
Nope, none of you are correct the answer is freaking Kingdom Hearts 3!!


 Ding Ding! Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709

A great list of topics so far, but can we call the HD gaming topic, I don't know, "an epic topic" or give it some sort of distinction? After all, it's not competing with the other topics.

Currently playing: Wii Fit / The Sims 3

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