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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why do people still use "The Ten Year Plan" excuse?

CGI-Quality said:

@ Ender

In their current forms, no the 360 cannot do those games, sorry. Kojima and Media Molecule specifically said that about MGS4 and LBP, another reason I've always doubted a 360 MGS4 port. Physics and Animation are KEY in PS3 exclusives. Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, LBP, and MGS4 have done things with physics and animation that no 360 title has done. This is a common misconception. To date in terms of physics and animation PS3 is on top there - over any other console. If we're talking just graphics, maybe. But the 360's architecture can't perform physics nor animation like PS3, and that's not an opinion.

LBP is coming to PSP and it cant be done on 360? LOL???


No game on PS3 cannot be done on 360,all that is Sony BS,Any game can be on Anysystem but it depends on how much you take out.


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CGI-Quality said:
@ Garnett

I'm certain you DID NOT read the first sentence. I said “IN THEIR CURRENT FORMS”. Please take the time to read next time rather than do exactly what I thought some people would do: read that the 360 might not be able to do something PS3 can do, which is true, and then flame me for it.

Heh sorry for not fully reading it but no console game can be ported to the other system in there current form.


CGI-Quality said:
@ Garnett

Now tell me you said “depends on how much you TAKE OUT”. If you take stuff out of a current project, is what remains = to what was there before? The simple answer is, NO. Therefore IN THEIR CURRRNT FORMS those games can't be done on 360. And no its not Sony “bs”. Its common knowledge. Stripping a game of anything that wad there before makes it a different game.


I said "but no console game can be ported to the other system in there current form."

Weither its removing stuff or anything else games have to be redesigned for that system

Dodece said:
This is the excuse of last resort. That is as simple as it gets. Those using it are not necessarily stupid they are just desperately searching for even a glimmer of hope in a world quickly fading to black. This is basically a delaying tactic. Either they hope that some mythical hero may arise to save the day, or in some cases they literally believe that Sony can rope a dope the competition. All Sony has to do is let the competition beat on them until they tire themselves out. In the mean time by placing the end date at a mythical future time you never have to concede defeat.

Basically when you see a poster talking about the ten year plan they are conflicted. In their heads they know its over your not going to win a console war three or four years gone in the clearance rack at Odd Lots. Though their pride, and their ever present delusion will never allow them to own up to what happened. I honestly think that a lot of Sony supporters do not understand how to concede a point. After all they have never had to do that. When you always bet on the winner its hard to accept that they finally lost its heart breaking I suppose.

Basically you cannot argue the logic with them, because there is no logic to argue. For those who say it this is an article of faith. That means its resolved in the heart. Nothing you can say is relevant to them. In much the same way people will cling to a religion even after its proven to be false through documented facts, and more so tangible results. Try it some time their logic is flawlessly disjointed. They are well beyond extrapolation.

way to overanalyze


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It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

CGI-Quality said:

@ Ender

In their current forms, no the 360 cannot do those games, sorry. Kojima and Media Molecule specifically said that about MGS4 and LBP, another reason I've always doubted a 360 MGS4 port. Physics and Animation are KEY in PS3 exclusives. Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, LBP, and MGS4 have done things with physics and animation that no 360 title has done. This is a common misconception. To date in terms of physics and animation PS3 is on top there - over any other console. If we're talking just graphics, maybe. But the 360's architecture can't perform physics nor animation like PS3, and that's not an opinion.


No offense, but this sounds like a bunch of stuff that's tough to measure, and therefore easy to exaggerate.  Sorry, but I'm not buying LBP phyisics can't be done of a 360.  Let's face it, Sony's bold claims have fallen flat, and all that's left is ambigous claims about things like physics and animation.  There are differences in capabilities between the systems (both have strengths), but overall the differences are very minor.

I'm not trying to be a jerk... but after 2 years of this, I'm ultra skepical.

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I keep seeing people mention the PS3 as "future proof." It is not. A console being "future proof" is dependant on its software sales / support. The games sell the hardware, which in turn sells more games, and so on. This is why the Wii is more "future proof" than either HD console, regardless of its graphical power.

The PS2 is still selling great, after 8 years of its release. Do people really think its being bought because it's a DVD player? People are buying it for the games, period. If the Bluray is the main "future appeal" of the PS3, people will simply buy cheaper, better players when they're availible. If the graphics are its lasting appeal, it will be obsolete as soon as the next gen consoles come out. Also, it will mean the 360 will last just as long, because they're essentially equal in power.

edit: Someone mentioned higher sales may mean the consoles will last longer. Keep in mind, the GBA shipped 80+ million, and 7 years from its launch, it's already pretty much dead.

CGI-Quality said:
@ Ender

What 360 game(s) has shown what the game(s), I said 4 different games and all I've heard is how LBP is possible on 360, I mentioned have shown. Like I said, each systems exclusives have told the real story. I'm not talking blindly or rivaling anyone without mentioning what's in existance. In terms of physics and animation, no 360 game has outshined: Heavenly Sword, LBP, Uncharted nor MGS4. When a 360 game does it, then I'll believe the two systems are basically no different, but otherwise, the exclusives, of both, have spoken.


GoW2 says hello. 

CGI-Quality said:
@ Ender

What 360 game(s) has shown what the game(s), I said 4 different games and all I've heard is how LBP is possible on 360, I mentioned have shown. Like I said, each systems exclusives have told the real story. I'm not talking blindly or rivaling anyone without mentioning what's in existance. In terms of physics and animation, no 360 game has outshined: Heavenly Sword, LBP, Uncharted nor MGS4. When a 360 game does it, then I'll believe the two systems are basically no different, but otherwise, the exclusives, of both, have spoken.

Uncharted has good graphics,but its not really that good,its decent graphics,i mean if you have a PS3 there gonna be amazing,where as 360 games always looked amazing,find me one pic of Uncharted thats way better than any 360 game.

Heavenly sword again is good graphics but not that amazing i played it on 1080p 32 inch TV it was good.

Garnett said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Ender

What 360 game(s) has shown what the game(s), I said 4 different games and all I've heard is how LBP is possible on 360, I mentioned have shown. Like I said, each systems exclusives have told the real story. I'm not talking blindly or rivaling anyone without mentioning what's in existance. In terms of physics and animation, no 360 game has outshined: Heavenly Sword, LBP, Uncharted nor MGS4. When a 360 game does it, then I'll believe the two systems are basically no different, but otherwise, the exclusives, of both, have spoken.

Uncharted has good graphics,but its not really that good,its decent graphics,i mean if you have a PS3 there gonna be amazing,where as 360 games always looked amazing,find me one pic of Uncharted thats way better than any 360 game.

Heavenly sword again is good graphics but not that amazing i played it on 1080p 32 inch TV it was good.


Would you please read before post? You just rush to post without analyzing the quote you posted...

They were talking about physics and animation, not graphics per se. And last time I checked, 90 percent of released titles this year have been multiplatform, So I don't know where you brought the idiotic comment saying "find me one pic of Uncharted thats way better than any 360 game", since like I said, 90 percent of Xbox 360 titles (2008) are also available on PS3 too.



Yes, read their comments above. They are referring to something far more ambiguous and tough to debate.