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CGI-Quality said:

@ Ender

In their current forms, no the 360 cannot do those games, sorry. Kojima and Media Molecule specifically said that about MGS4 and LBP, another reason I've always doubted a 360 MGS4 port. Physics and Animation are KEY in PS3 exclusives. Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, LBP, and MGS4 have done things with physics and animation that no 360 title has done. This is a common misconception. To date in terms of physics and animation PS3 is on top there - over any other console. If we're talking just graphics, maybe. But the 360's architecture can't perform physics nor animation like PS3, and that's not an opinion.

LBP is coming to PSP and it cant be done on 360? LOL???


No game on PS3 cannot be done on 360,all that is Sony BS,Any game can be on Anysystem but it depends on how much you take out.