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I keep seeing people mention the PS3 as "future proof." It is not. A console being "future proof" is dependant on its software sales / support. The games sell the hardware, which in turn sells more games, and so on. This is why the Wii is more "future proof" than either HD console, regardless of its graphical power.

The PS2 is still selling great, after 8 years of its release. Do people really think its being bought because it's a DVD player? People are buying it for the games, period. If the Bluray is the main "future appeal" of the PS3, people will simply buy cheaper, better players when they're availible. If the graphics are its lasting appeal, it will be obsolete as soon as the next gen consoles come out. Also, it will mean the 360 will last just as long, because they're essentially equal in power.

edit: Someone mentioned higher sales may mean the consoles will last longer. Keep in mind, the GBA shipped 80+ million, and 7 years from its launch, it's already pretty much dead.