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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why do people still use "The Ten Year Plan" excuse?

Max King of the Wild said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
PS3 isn't future proof, you see even as it may be more technologically advanced, it has massive sunk costs that Sony will never recoup, on the other hand Nintendo in 5-6 years can release the Uss, at a proce around that of the Wii right now, and still have nearly the same power or even more than the ps3 has, and continue to dominate the market, without incurring the costs that Sony has. Sony will release the PS4 in a few years, 2-3 years tops, and at that point the PS3 will start dying


 doubtful. This gen the third place console will outsell last gens 2nd place console next year... A little longer than half the time it took the xbox to sell 24 million... why end it so early?



Sony won't recoup the losses on the PS3, and will likely incur more as time goes by, a new system will be able to manufacuterd from the ground up to be cheaper and more cost effective than the PS3, and they don't want to risk being late out of the gate like this time again.  Smart money is on them cutting their losses on PS3 and fast-tracking the PS4 to get a jump on MS, wit a mosre cost effective machine


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

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You also think the Wii will sell 300 million consoles by 2015 (and thats if Sony just collapsed right now and stopped selling Ps2's and 3's)

Max King of the Wild said:
why do you deny the ten year plan so much? PSP will most likely make it and it aint market leader.


 Have you seen the list of new titles out for PSP? There are 8 count them 8 titles in 2009 comming out for the PSP acording to the list I looked at yesterday in gamestop(updated 12/07).... are you sure it will last a year? No one makes 8 games even in a quarter of a year and keep selling systems. You can count the PSP death at the end of 09. And production of PS2 ends January 1st.

"Leap ignorantly to the defense of wealthy game company’s, who don't know or care about you!"

mwjw696 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
why do you deny the ten year plan so much? PSP will most likely make it and it aint market leader.


 Have you seen the list of new titles out for PSP? There are 8 count them 8 titles in 2009 comming out for the PSP acording to the list I looked at yesterday in gamestop(updated 12/07).... are you sure it will last a year? No one makes 8 games even in a quarter of a year and keep selling systems. You can count the PSP death at the end of 09. And production of PS2 ends January 1st.


 PSP just got a HW revision why would they just end it in a year? C'mon common sense here. And if Ps2's aren't discontinued in 22 days I will tell you from then on out when i see you post "werent you the guy who said Ps2 would end Jan 1st?"

BTW - I count 17 already announced titles for the PSP in '09.

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It's almost as good as the 'future proof' or 'untapped potential' long are you giving them to realise this potential? Since when has this ever dictated the lifespan of a console? By the time it's taken advantage of the next gen will be among us, potentially wiping away any extra potential it has. Developers won't care about the extra space of a blu-ray disc if denying a 360 release means a smaller return of investment.

The main problem with the argument is that any untapped potential is not very meaningful if people have little incentive to exploit them. If you fail to wow the crowd with the potential in your first try, you are pretty much in trouble.

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Do not doubt Sony and their promises.
They'll sell you a second PS3 and give you a free roll of duct tape.

Voila, you've got yourself a PS4!

10 years for sure!!

Max King of the Wild said:
why do you deny the ten year plan so much? PSP will most likely make it and it aint market leader.


I just re read this LOL You think the PSP will last until 2014/2015 with the software support it gets?! thats another 6 years!


Zones said:
The real answer is, because PS3 is way over it's time, the system is more future proof than the other ones. Now, just because it didn't sell as much as PS2 doesn't mean the system can't be out for as long if Sony supports the system.

Another thing that you should know, is that PS3 is in it's infancy as of now, outside few first party studios games, no company took advantages of the system, we really don't know what it's capable of until now. But I am sure whatever you saw on 2005 E3 press conference is completely possible on PS3, so two years form now, the system, might be something you have never thought of.


You see, that's what I keep hearing, but in tests of the two systems, I think it's been shown that the PS3 is no more advanced than the 360, and if it is, it isn't by very much.  So I think the whole notion that the PS3 is "future proof" is just Sony PR digging real hard to look for a win somewhere. 

The games that I have that are on both consoles look exactly the same, and the gameplay is exactly the same on both consoles.  The only difference to me is the controllers are different, and hence I choose to play each game depending upon which controller (sixaxis or 360) works better for that game.

I think that either the 360 or PS3 can last as long as MS & Sony want to make it last, but the technology in each console is virtually equivalent.  I used to be of the camp that said the PS3 was more advanced, but there have just been too many tests out there that show that that is just not the case... if anything, the PS3 has a more stable hardware platform.


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