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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If You Had To Chose Your Next Gen Console Today...

BoleroOfFire said:
@Comrade: I doubt that. First of all, the numbers would probably be skewed due to fanboys voting for their favorite brand incessantly. Second, I disagree with your statement about sales not revealing people's feelings. Or rather, I'm confused by it. Are you implying that people are making purchases contrary to what they prefer?


What I am saying is that sometimes hype about a product will cause it to sell big.  Other times really, really good marketing will cause a product to fly off the shelf. 

My point is, sales do not always mean a product is better than the competition. 

I can tell you because of personal ownership experience that a Bentley Continental GT is a much better vehicle than a Honda Accord.  But the Honda Accord sells much better.... why?  The price of a Honda is much cheaper, therefore it will naturally sell better.  More people can afford the quality of a Honda Accord, and most people can't afford a Bentley.

What does this mean?  It means that just because a company sells more units, doesn't make it a better product.

Economic plays a large role in what makes a product sellable.  Hype and marketing often make a product sell more as well.  I know a thing or two about marketing because I spend a lot marketing my own company everyday.  We aren't the largest, nor do have the best pricing out there, but people use us because our guarantee is untouchable and the marketing scheme I sanction gives our customers the impression that we are the end-all of our industry.

Does that mean we are the best at what we do?  No, but we do a good enough job of convincing people that we do to make us the #2 provider of such services in the U.S.

Image is everything.



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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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I'd selected the next Nintendo console.


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Ok, I see what you mean. But I still don't think that a poll will prove anything. In fact, I still believe that the sales provide a better indicator of which console people prefer. You could say that consumers are voting with their wallets. A non-random, biased internet poll seems like a worse indicator to me.

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

Sony's first party is awesome, so PS4. They'll also release it cheaper and less flashy, the way a Sony console should be.

As for the handhelds, I'll wait and see. If Sony adds another analog stick to the PSP2, it's mine.

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both Nintendo's console and handheld, no doubt.

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PS4, I need BC for the whole PS family. If ps4 doesn't have BC, I'll have to wait and see.

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BoleroOfFire said:
Ok, I see what you mean. But I still don't think that a poll will prove anything. In fact, I still believe that the sales provide a better indicator of which console people prefer. You could say that consumers are voting with their wallets. A non-random, biased internet poll seems like a worse indicator to me.


Good, we don't always have to see eye-to-eye, as long as we understand the other person's point, sometimes that is good enough.

As for the poll, you are right, unless it's a scientific poll, it doesn't really mean much anyway... online polls generally tend to be way off anyway.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Comrade Tovya said:
wfz said:
Comrade Tovya said:
RCTjunkie said:
Super Wii!


Nice name for the system... but how about "Mini-Wii" and then we could call our little people, "Mini-Miis"


Better idea than "Wii 2" which would be "Wii ni" in Japanese. :P


Haha, doesn't "ni" mean "you" in Japanese?


Not as far as I'm aware, and I've taken 3 semesters of Japanese. It could be some crazy slang word that I'm unaware of, but I doubt it.

ps4...i no longer trust microsoft

JGarret said:
Since this 7th generation is the last one where I´m purchasing systems and games, I´d have to say none.

But I´ll still be damn curious to see how things play out next generation.


Why are you leaving gaming?

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