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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Factor 5 in troubles.

The only way to save them is Rogue Squadron IV.

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A company that is bleeding money and doesn't have a recent hit game is not an asset, but a liability, and so I'd wager they aren't a takeover target for anyone, really.

Furthermore, Factor 5 don't own any major IP which would be worth buying.

The company doesn't seem very well run. Their Star Wars games for 64 and GC slowly declined over time, and then there was a long gap between the last Star Wars title and when Lair finally came out.

And it sounds to me, from the various stories out there, that they spent that time stopping and starting on GC and Wii development, before landing on PS3. That takes time, which is money. And then I believe Lair got delayed. Time is money.

If they're really in trouble, I don't think they'd be a big loss.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

My thoughts too. But I'm giving the people who said it's because of Lair the benifit of the doubt that the game was all financed by Factor 5.

Max King of the Wild said:
My thoughts too. But I'm giving the people who said it's because of Lair the benifit of the doubt that the game was all financed by Factor 5.

As Erik Aston said, they have hardly made any games for a very long time.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:

Factor 5 is technically great and they have prior experience with making middleware. So here's what Nintendo should do:

Buy out the company. Fund the games they're developing, and when those are done, fund the company to develop a great Wii-only engine which Nintendo can then license out to third parties so that they can make decent games which take advantage of the hardware.

This company is based in America so it should be especially cheap to buy it and fund it, with the weak dollar and all.


Don't mean to single you out, as almost half the thread has said this, but don't count on Nintendo swooping in anytime soon. Remember that Iwata specifically addressed the issue of mergers and acquisitions, and said that if buying a company doesn't bring in a great patent, or if the company doesn't have "Nintendo DNA," they won't bother nowadays. And Factor 5, who emphasizes tech above all else, definitely does not meet either requirement.

More to the point, Nintendo isn't in the business of middleware. And Factor5 wouldn't help them make better engines, seeing as how Nintendo develops its hardware in such a way that it can maximize its hardware accordingly. To Nintendo, Factor 5 would be a crappier version of EAD (or whoever makes their engines nowadays).

I really don't see what a second-party Factor 5 would bring to the table for Nintendo. Forum posters may like the possibility, as they did the thought of Nintendo buying Sega (lol!), but it doesn't seem to synch with Nintendo's business plan or philosophy.


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You know overall their situation = SOL. The devs are only staying b/c of the great games produced in the past and loyalty. The are giving up healthcare for Pete's sake!

@noname2200: But if they're making Wii games based on Nintendo franchises, Nintendo wouldn't want them to go under (unless development is not going well, in which case throw what I said out).

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
@noname2200: But if they're making Wii games based on Nintendo franchises, Nintendo wouldn't want them to go under (unless development is not going well, in which case throw what I said out).

They might string them along long enough to squeeze out Kid Icarus, but I don't see Nintendo throwing good money after bad. Heck, they've ditched Rareware, released Silicon Knights, and most recently have abandoned N-Space. They've had a closer relationship with all three than they have with Factor 5, in my opinion (Silicon Knights is arguable, I suppose).

I like Nintendo a lot, but let's face it: they're cold-hearted, money-grubbing b******s whose motto is "my way or the highway." Unfortunately for Factor 5, Nintendo doesn't seem to have the same approach.

I wouldn't worry too much, thought. Factor 5's a fairly known name. If they do go under, someone will pick them up (Activision, perhaps).


factor 5 speaks about the rumor and smash it.

A writer for 1up came across my blog and read some information that was then twisted around and misinterpreted to mean something else. I’d like to clarify what exactly is going on.

Steve Watts of 1UP wrote that I said Factor 5 cut one of their main projects, a comic book superhero game, and that’s a complete lie. It was a big story in the news that we recently lost a publisher, Brash Entertainment, when they went out of business. This does not mean that we’ve stopped production on that game, or that it was ever even in trouble. The other projects currently under way at Factor 5 are doing great. We hadn’t received payment because of the situation with Brash, which is why I said I needed to look elsewhere for work.

Factor 5 is not going under, and I don’t know why Steve Watts quoted me saying so. Don’t believe every rumor that is posted on the internet, especially if it has been spun to create a story that is far from the truth.
Nice, so they're Ok. But Brash is out of busniess, I'm wonder if somebody'll be interested on the Superman game.

i've never enjoyed a factor 5 game. that said i hope they won't go the way midway is.