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NJ5 said:
@noname2200: But if they're making Wii games based on Nintendo franchises, Nintendo wouldn't want them to go under (unless development is not going well, in which case throw what I said out).

They might string them along long enough to squeeze out Kid Icarus, but I don't see Nintendo throwing good money after bad. Heck, they've ditched Rareware, released Silicon Knights, and most recently have abandoned N-Space. They've had a closer relationship with all three than they have with Factor 5, in my opinion (Silicon Knights is arguable, I suppose).

I like Nintendo a lot, but let's face it: they're cold-hearted, money-grubbing b******s whose motto is "my way or the highway." Unfortunately for Factor 5, Nintendo doesn't seem to have the same approach.

I wouldn't worry too much, thought. Factor 5's a fairly known name. If they do go under, someone will pick them up (Activision, perhaps).