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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsofts Next Media Format?

Comrade Tovya said:
SMcc1887 said:
Any idea how much M$ would have to pay Sony for Blu Ray? Ive heard that Sony owns around 30% of blu ray and if blu ray becomes the new dvd, M$ will use it.


I really, really doubt that Nintendo or MS will use Blu-ray... it's just not either one of their styles to do something like that (especially Nintendo, they always buck the media-format grain anyway).

I don't understand the idea that blu-ray is something that MS would be against. Do people realise that VC-1, which is a mandatory codec on bluray, was initially developed and partly owned by Microsoft?

While I have no idea how the licencing is broken up, MS would be receiving some sort of royalties (maybe indirectly) from the sale of blu-ray players and possibly certain titles.

If blu-ray is the "next" dvd by the next gen consoles, I can't see MS not including it. Given that both the PS3 and 360 are marketed as media centres, it would be a massive blow for MS not to support playback of bluray and if you are already supporting the discs, why not use them for your main media?

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HD-DVD would decrease piracy but would hinder the lessening of the cost of the console b/c ppl would want to play BRs on it hence a HD-DVD/BR combo drive which is expensive. Versatile Multilayer Disc would be good along with XBL DLable games if they wanted a proprietary format.

Blu ray will be up to 400gn per disk by 2011 they will be going with blu ray

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

Mistershine said:
nightsurge said:
I think flash memory would be a great possibility, but then it seems like it would be too easy to pirate, or perhaps too easy to corrupt the data by popping the flash drives in and out all the time.

The benefits of flash storage, though, would be:
Size: could fit 16GB of data on a 2 inch device. makes having a large collection of games much easier to organize
Speed: great data transfer rates using either SD or a USB flash drive.
Cost: low cost, as you said already.

The only other negative I could see is that right now flash media is topping out at around 16GB for USB flash drives. Perhaps in a year or two this number could have doubled or so, but that still leaves Blu-Ray with a data size advantage. I'm really not sure what they will use, but it's really a toss up between Blu-Ray, flash, HD-DVD, and downloads at the moment.

I don't think it will be all downloads, because not everyone will have fast enough internet and many people like to own the physical media, plus you can't "resell or trade" downloaded media so the used games would no longer be available.

Big enough for you? Only problem is cost, but that should decrease vey quickly.


Yeah, it will come down a lot within the next few year, plus I love the thought of fitting a game on a 1.5"x1" media.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


halogamer1989 said:
HD-DVD would decrease piracy but would hinder the lessening of the cost of the console b/c ppl would want to play BRs on it hence a HD-DVD/BR combo drive which is expensive. Versatile Multilayer Disc would be good along with XBL DLable games if they wanted a proprietary format.


That's my point though... I don't think people really care if their console can play movies or not.  Don't get me wrong, it's a nice little feature, but I really don't think people will pay more to see movies on their console.  Just look at the Wii, it's juts a game console, and it controls 50% of the market.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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@MisterShine Wow. That is $204 though...

The HD-DVD ,data MEDIA IS NO BAD IDEA ,,in dual layer suport ''30gb'' of data, cant by use in the future xbox720....

green_box said:
The HD-DVD ,data MEDIA IS NO BAD IDEA ,,in dual layer suport ''30gb'' of data, cant by use in the future xbox720....


Actually, HD DVD supports much larger data amounts than that now, so I think it's the natural choice for MS to use.  I'd love to be a fly on the wall in their discussions to see what they are up to for the next gen.

I think this gen was pretty cool, but I think the next one will be even more cut throat than ever.  Everyone will be trying to cram as much tech as they can in a little box for as little money as possible.  I think $299.00 will be the goal for each of their "premium systems" and then cheaper watered-down versions of each for $199.00.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


I was actually hoping that MS would go back to cartridge based games.. cart based games that hold a terrabyte of data.

and no more worrying about the drive wearing out and laser overheating

piggychan said:
I was actually hoping that MS would go back to cartridge based games.. cart based games that hold a terrabyte of data.

and no more worrying about the drive wearing out and laser overheating


Well flash media is virtually the same as cartridge based media with the same benefits, but in much smaller package... it just has to get cheaper before that happens.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
