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Forums - Sony Discussion - Future of psp! 

That's awesome

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Well I don't think that sony should make another psp model. They just have to keep the actual psp3000, provide it with good games, and wait for a brand new psp2!

Software is the one and only issue with the PSP, Sony need to get good software and stop making all these new skews. Just watch what Dissidia, Agito, PE3 etc all do for the sales for PSP, Sony might want to take a good look at that.

Ooh almost forgot about the awful PSP piracy, too late to fix that but the next gen PSP console sure needs that huge issue fixed.


Whats the point, everyone will just download the ROM, and get the game for free..

Nobody buys psp games, they download them if they feel like getting a psp game.


leo-j said:
Whats the point, everyone will just download the ROM, and get the game for free..

Nobody buys psp games, they download them if they feel like getting a psp game.


Tell that to all those Monster Hunter 2G owners :/


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ZOMFG WOW @ new panda avatar!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Gotta love speculation.

Pixel Art can be fun.

Very interesting read.

leo-j said:
Whats the point, everyone will just download the ROM, and get the game for free..

Nobody buys psp games, they download them if they feel like getting a psp game.


The PSP has 50 games that have sold 500K or over (i'm assuming 500k  is break even at least ; many consider 1 million copies for HD the break even point)

The break even point for PSP development is probably around 300-400k copies.

If Sony was Apple that would happen. But we are talking about Sony here, and the liklyhood that they would push that hard to get their product in the face of the consumer is very slim. Mabye Sony has decided that 2009 is a year of change within Sony, and they will start marketing their major products right, and the ones falling behind will get revisions. Basically everything he stated in the acrtical is exactly what Sony need to do.

Here is one more thing Sony could do for software sales.

Trophies: If Sony added trophies to PSP I think they would see a nice increase in software sales as the hardcore trophy leaguers would deffinatly try to swwep up some trophies.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams