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Forums - Sales Discussion - Christmas Casualities: Maybe too early to call them?

The author never called any of these titles flops. There's a difference between flop and disappointment.  I agree with the author's conclusions.

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Don't know about the others, but WiiMusic definitely shouldn't be on that list. It will crack 1m sales this week, and is just outside the top#10 for best weekly sellers last week - at around 200k/week. Its definitely not a "causality" (otherwise the industry is doing a LOT better than I thought :P).

Same goes for LBP, although Sony would have been hoping for more by now - maybe double.

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If any game is a casuality, its Valkyria Chronicles, which is sad since its an amazing title.

Resistance 2 and LBP should be on the top of that list those games were expected to sell and they sell low numbers. The bundling of those games with PS3 consoles over Xmas should help the sales of those games.

LBP will definitely be platinum by this week and should easily go over 2 mill, given the marketing.

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Well yeah, fanboys where dissapointed, but most of those games are far from being flops.... and for Midway, MC vs DC should have sold well over 2 million untill next year to be qualified as a success...

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Munkeh111 said:
Little Big Planet should not really be on there, it will be well over 1m by christmas

Even if it does, that's still well under sales expectations. LBP was touted as being The Next Big Thing.

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Oyvoyvoyv said:



Well, look at the games.


1.- Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts - What did you expect really. Banjo was big on N64, but Tooie only sold 1.5M. What brought the games forward was their surpreme quality. Rare doesn't have that anymore, but it still looks like the game should break 1M. Not too shabby. What did people really expect? Is it a flop if it sells a bit above 1M instead of 2M? Because if you thought it would sell over 3M, you probably didn't check your info properly. 


2.- Bioshock (PS3) - Well, this could be called a flop. Still, 2K is going to make money of it, and I believe it was more of a preparation for Bioshock 2 on Ps3. Could have hoped for better sales, but acceptable indeed. Hey, they went profit, and this definately increased the change of high sales for the sequel, that's pretty good. 

3.- Left 4 Dead - Huh? The 360 version alone should come close to 1M. If you say the PC version retailed 1M, then it sold 2/3 as much as The Orange Box, which was definately a better package, so you would have to call a game that sold 3M a flop too. 

4.- Lips - Surely MS will have made profit of this when all is said and done, and it could break 500K. Still, I can accept some people calling this a flop. 

5.- LIttle Big Planet - It is a flop if you thought it would sell 1M first week. If you did believe that, you were stupid like heck. The title is breaking 1M, and and should beat 2M by the end of the FY. That is going to put it as Sony's 5th best selling Ps3 game, behind 2 games that wouldn't have made 2M if it wasn't for bundles, Uncharted and GT5:P. Overall, it did more than good enough. 

6.- Mirror's Edge - not my field, have no clue really. 

7.- Mortal Kombat Vs DC - So far it has sold 400K combined, and it could end close to 1M. That means only 1 of the 5 Ps2 versions outsold it (but it did with a lot). Traditional fighting games are dieing - this one did good enough. 

8.- MotorStorm: Pacific Rift - has good legs. Should sell good, possibly a million. Not a flop. 

9.- Resistance 2 - So far it looks like it could be below expectations, but not a flop. Also, I would wait for EU sales to go a bit further - that is where the original had over half its sales. 

10.- Tom Clancy's EndWar - No clue

11.- Wii Music - What the hell? It should sell 4M easily. It is the 2nd best selling console music game in Japan, and it should end as the best, or 2nd best selling music game in Others. It did awesome in those 2 regions, and far better than you should expect. In Americas, it didn't do too well, at least not initially. 



Bottom line, those games are insanely far away from being very big flops. If you take the combined average profit/loss of those titles, I'm sure it would be far higher than the average profit/loss for other games.

Isn't it about failing to meet sales expectations?  The fact that 1million sales are quite good doesn't mean a game has met sales expectations.  For example, you can't seriously suggest that Motostorm at 1million is not way below sales expectations given how well the first one sold.  And Wii Music selling only 4 million would still be below sales expectations as I am pretty sure Nintendo and forum goers (realistically) expected it to sell more than that.


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Munkeh111 said:
Little Big Planet should not really be on there, it will be well over 1m by christmas

"failed to live up to sales expectations"

 As for Left4Dead, EA feels it is selling better then expected.

Still, the analyst says, "solid sales" of Dead Space, FIFA 09 and Valve's Left 4 Dead are helping to offset the weaknesses in EA's portfolio.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire