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Forums - Sony Discussion - Shuhei Yoshida: We have 5 RPGs in development

My bad, sorry! So 3 RPG's left! I'm sure there is a dark chronicles 3 over there!

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it's driving me crazy that i still have to go to the ps2 to get good rpg's.

darthdevidem01 said:
@munkeh111 & CGI

no I didn't as everyone said it was too short.

I rented it though....I hope that improves things!

It's one of the greatest games this gen, and most people who have it have played it through multiple times, I will probably be playing a third time soon

*~Onna76~* said:
Shadowblind said:
Mirson said:
According to Ol Buddy, some of the RPGs in development are: Dark Cloud 3, New Wild Arms, Legend of Dragoon 2 and Unearthed. I wonder if Demon's Soul counts.

-_- No tales huh....hey Sony wanna trade out Demon's Soul for it?

Tales of.. isn't Sony's franchise, its Namco's.


 I realize that. But Quantum Theory did it for their sequel, Heavy Rain, so I wanted any hope I could have.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Naum said:
About damn time really, I'm still waiting to buy my first RPG for my PS3, only use it as a Blu-ray player for the last 6 months.

Your lack of Valkyria Chronicles is disturbing.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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outlawauron said:
Naum said:
About damn time really, I'm still waiting to buy my first RPG for my PS3, only use it as a Blu-ray player for the last 6 months.

Your lack of Valkyria Chronicles is disturbing.


Exactly what I was thinking, Outlaw


5 RPG's for ps3 under developement for sony. one is WKC, wonder wat is the other 4. and are the other four being made by one of sony's 22 first party studios, or a independent developer

Christhor said:
It doesn't say RPG anywhere, you'll only get disappointed if change what people say to what fits you best...


FM - A strong interest here in Japan is in role playing or deep strategy based games, why has Sony not played to these strengths with the Ps3?

Shuhei Yoshida - The inception of a console is one of trial and error. It is never one set path one takes to success and success should never come from an easy path. When a new console is introduced into the market it is expected of it to do well and to try new things in the process. We have tried many new things with the PS3 and will continue to try an introduce more western style games here to the Japanese market. With that said we are not ruling out our fanbase and their needs we are very aware of what they want and are working internally to create software that fits their needs.

FM - Anything you can speak of here?

Shuhei Yoshida - Names, no. But we have 5 projects underway inside of Sony that will cater to the fanbase you have described. We are also working with 3rd party to ensure we have those kinds of games coming in from their studios as well.


Read the bolded parts please.


*~Onna76~* said:
AaronSOLDIER said:
I think Dark Cloud 3 is one of them - it is rumored to be in the works so it is likely.

My friend said he loved that series and would buy a PS3 if ever Dark Cloud 3 came out lol

I will totally freak out if that happens. Dark Chronicle (Dark Cloud 2 in the US) is one of my most favorite games "ever"! I was already fan from Level 5 since their first PS2 release Dark Cloud... I hope Dark Cloud 3 will be cell shaded as well, if... it will release and if it will release on the PS3. I hope so... *shivers*.


My sentiments exactly. As excited as I am about WKC, I'd trade it up for Dark Cloud 3 any day.

Also, while he didnt say RPG's he said 5 games that fit the description and the interviewrs description was 'role playing or deep strategy based games'. So I'll remain optimistic about this. *Edit* Slums of Ohio has beaten me to it.


Soriku said:
Umm...not to burst anyone's bubble but...

As much as I'd actually like this to happen (I really do. I've suggested in the past Sony NEEEEEED to make internal RPGs. They'd be awesome. So don't take me the wrong way.), there hasn't been any mention of this interview on Famitsu's site where stuff from their issues get posted, nor NeoGAF's typical Famitsu threads when new issues get out. So this is shady.

I know you guys'll point me to the Uncharted rumor, but here's the thing - Anyone can post news on this site. Not just one person. The person who posted this is different from the Uncharted rumor dude, and this site has pretty lol-worthy things posted there. So while one person may know something, someone else may not.

That is the key, many different sources and different people posting. I really hope he is wrong in most other cases because he says Insomniac are starting to do some work on 360 and that you wont play as Ratchet in the next Ratchet game.... and that Uncharted will be 25% stealth.