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Forums - Sony Discussion - Shuhei Yoshida: We have 5 RPGs in development

Dark Cloud sequel would be siiiiiiiiiiiiick!

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Shadowblind said:

Ok....WKC.....TEAM ICO....Demon Soul....

Thats 3. Maybe Yakuza 3. Soooo....

PLEASEEEEEE Let the last one be a new Tales game! Seriously, I will provide the marketing myself if they do make it!



btw the colors are so ...... BRIGHT THAT THEY MAKE MY EYES BLEED lol

seriously though they hurt me :)


darthdevidem01 said:
hmm....inside SONY

who knows then

what PS2 1st Party JRPGs did they make?

he also sed they are working with 3rd parties.

well one is Level 5 for WKC....maybe Atlus for a SMT game.....Persona 5 on PS3?

There were no 1st party proper, but Sony published a handful of RPGs (probably owns the IP for all of them): Legend of Dragoon, Alundra (2 games), Dark Cloud (2 games), Arc the Lad (5 games), Rogue Galaxy, Legaia (2 games), PoPoLoCrois (many games not released outside Japan), Wild ARMs (6 games), etc


OMG Vg tilt (the site) was SPOT ON about uncharted 2

they even said its in a SNOWY MOUNTAIN (as seen from trailer)

Revealed by a MAJOR PUBLICATION (gameinformer) in DEC

is 25% MGS4 --- yeah as it is said uncharted 2 will have STEALTH!


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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25% stealth would be terrible for me!


lol....I am sure it will be optional as to how you play it

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

lol....I am sure it will be optional as to how you play it

It better be!! Why stealth?

Stealth in Uncharted really makes me interested in when again is the gameplay trailer gonna be shown again?

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

According to Ol Buddy, some of the RPGs in development are: Dark Cloud 3, New Wild Arms, Legend of Dragoon 2 and Unearthed. I wonder if Demon's Soul counts.