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Forums - Gaming Discussion - #1 WWYD! KZ2 Cancelled?

Garnett said:
Cueil said:
the previews are looking really awesome so I'd probably figure that some huge glitch would have done it... plus the fallout would be almost as entertaining as MGS5 being 360 exclusive

What if it really was done by CGI :O lol that would be a hole new thread.



 I think ign AU would have mentioned that....

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Hyams said:
alfredofroylan said:
Honestly Why every 5 minutes somebody makes a Killzone 2 therad?

It's because Killzone 2 will be huge moderately sized.


 lol...  make me remember of the huge LBP ones...

Wii code: 4679-4491-5808-6319,MKWii: 4296-3394-2843; Animal Crossing Wii: 3008-1736-4670.


josenieves1 said:
Hyams said:
alfredofroylan said:
Honestly Why every 5 minutes somebody makes a Killzone 2 therad?

It's because Killzone 2 will be huge moderately sized.


lol... make me remember of the huge LBP ones...

"LBP BETTER THAN EXPECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!" LMAO i cant get enough of that,too bad that cant be said about banjo :/



Well it wouldnt be as impactful, or as funny as losing ff13 as an exclusive but it will be funny watching the threads.

An example of how the threads will go (using the ff13 threads as a reference):

1.Huge , HUGE outcry from sony fanboys saying that that they hate sony with every inch of their soul

2. That one guy who loves sony to no end saying "but hey we have (insert what you copied and pasted from google here)"

3. Many sony fans will turn their anger to microsoft for this madness ,"microsoft paid them!!!!"

4.And the internet is back to normal

(wash ,rinse ,repeat for every fuck up sony does)

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

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microsoft is responsible for everything in this f world...

Wouldn't really affect me, but it would probably be entertaining to watch the aftermath.

izaaz101 said:
Wouldn't really affect me, but it would probably be entertaining to watch the aftermath.

I would predict that ioi would shut down the server or it would crash from all the hell thats being raised here.

Sit back and listen for the flood of tears ;)

Garnett said:
izaaz101 said:
Wouldn't really affect me, but it would probably be entertaining to watch the aftermath.

I would predict that ioi would shut down the server or it would crash from all the hell thats being raised here.

That would probably happen.........then it's like everyone is banned........even if you didn't say anything!