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Forums - Sony Discussion - SONY please market Killzone 2

SONY needs to market Killzone 2. The game really shows what the ps3 is capable of and this is the perfect game for SONY to market.

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SONY plz market KZ2 well

yes they are going to have to make commercials a lot of them since M$ is going to put R.E-5 on TV a lot so Sony better do it i think

At least RE5 is not a FPS... and it's on the PS3 too, Killzone 2 is an exclusive and one of the triple-hyped since the 2005 CGI-trailer... This one needs a lot of advertising...

You all know it costed shitloads of money to make this game and that Sony almost needs it to be very successful, of course there going to advertise this and by a lot I might add. You do not have to worry about that.


Plus it will be pretty easy to advertise this title.

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"Waahhh!!! Sony, Please hype this game up so it wont flop, waahhhh" @OP dude, you really need to suck it up man, fuck sony. As long as you get your copy, and I get mine, dont worry about sony making millions back.

blackstar said:

SONY plz market KZ2 well


Couldn't agree more.

4 ≈ One

jerseyboy609 said:
"Waahhh!!! Sony, Please hype this game up so it wont flop, waahhhh" @OP dude, you really need to suck it up man, fuck sony. As long as you get your copy, and I get mine, dont worry about sony making millions back.


 This is the right attitude , fuck sony just give the J man the games he wants he dont care if you become bankrupt thats your own fault. 

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

Soriku said:
jerseyboy609 said:
"Waahhh!!! Sony, Please hype this game up so it wont flop, waahhhh" @OP dude, you really need to suck it up man, fuck sony. As long as you get your copy, and I get mine, dont worry about sony making millions back.


If that's how you think why are you on a sales site to begin with? O_o


 good topics, plus this is like the metacritic of video game sites. People bring info from many other sites and discuss. Plus the structure is nice. Dont get me wrong, its nice to see games that I like sell, but when it comes down to it whether it flops or not, I will be happy with my copy. I.E. Valkyria Chronicles ;)

why ppl is so exited about this game?
Yes the graphics look stunning but let's not 4get that the 1st one was super hyped a.k.a "halo killer"
By Sony and at the end the game was crap
Let's hope guerilla games did a good job this time

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