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Forums - Sony Discussion - GOW3 trailer in VGA 08 will include realtime gameplay footage.

Prepare to be fucking blown away on the fucking 14th of December!

This is fun.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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DMeisterJ said:
I can't wait to see both Uncharted 2 and God of War 3.

Both studios make beautiful games. Should be a visual feast in only Eight Days (why did you cancel this game Sony).

Oh you just waited till today to get to say that right XD

Admit it !


it's a good one though :P


Check out my game about moles ^

makingmusic476 said:
DMeisterJ said:
makingmusic476 said:
DMeisterJ said:
I can't wait to see both Uncharted 2 and God of War 3.

Both studios make beautiful games. Should be a visual feast in only Eight Days (why did you cancel this game Sony).

I have a feeling Home had something to do with it.

I guess they feel like they can micro-transact people to death in home to make some money.  Well, they're partially right, as I will buy oodles of virtual stuff just for the hell of it.  >_>

But if Uncharted's cover/animations are anything like Eight Days', it will be full of win.


Hopefully once Home is "officially" released, and Sony London are no longer rushing to get it out the door, instead just leaving a few guys to work on updates and new areas, they'll use the money from Home and the bulk of Sony London to restart Eight Days.

Though no good ever comes from shelving a game in mid-developmeent, then returning to it later.

Does not knowing what the hell Eight Days is make me a bad person?

EDIT: I remember now:

Eight Days was an action game that was being developed by SCE London Studio exclusively for the PlayStation 3. The game was later canceled on June 4, 2008. Although a portion of the game was used in tech demo at E3 in 2005, the game was first announced at Sony's E3 2006 press conference.

The game was to be set over the course of eight days, and to be set in eight different states, which would have made it the largest game map to date.[1] The game would have also included a real life clock.[1] If the game was being played at night, it would be night in the game.[1] You would have been able to choose between two characters, one "good" and one "bad".[1] In the "bad" characters storyline, he attempts to get revenge on a mob syndicate.[1] The other storyline would follow the "good" character, a detective searching for the same mob syndicate, after he kidnaps his son.[1] The two characters end up crossing paths, and eventually work together.[1]


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

i think this game, kilzone 2, gt5 and uncharted 2 are the games that everyone are expecting in 09 for the ps3 and all of them are EXCLUSIVES¡¡¡.

darthdevidem01 said:

its merely my prediction considering FFXII was PS2's best looking game

No way, God of War 2 was the PS2's best looking game! It looks better than a lot of CURRENT GEN games *cough* Bad Company *cough*

Final Fantasy 12 was a close second, though.

Of course, Uncharted wasn't ON the PS2, and so obviously looks better than both of them...

I still stand by my conclusion that God of War III will be the best looking (console) game of the gen so far when released.



(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Around the Network

Holy shit!! This game's going to fuckin' pawn every other action game at the show!

4 ≈ One

Holy shit.. I cannot wait, Uncharted 2, GOW3, FFXIII.. Fuck i cannot wait.

I can't fucking wait. Dec 14th will be a great fucking day.

Oh my Fucking God, I cant Fucking Wait to be Fucking Blown away by the Fucking amazing spectacle that Fucking Rules God Of Fucking War III ! FUCK!


Had to be said.