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Forums - Sony Discussion - GOW3 trailer in VGA 08 will include realtime gameplay footage.

tombi123 said:
So when will it be up on the internetz?

I am fucking prepared to be fucking blown the fuck away indeed.


Probably 2 fucking hours after that fucking award show ends. You may have to wait to have your fucking mind blown away into little fucking pieces if you plan on missing it on television.

Not to mention, there might be a fucking internet melt down as RPG said.

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I'd rather expect less of this and be blown away than expect too much and get dissapointed.

Let's just wait and see what happens eh .

Million said:
I'd rather expect less of this and be blown away than expect too much and get dissapointed.

Let's just wait and see what happens eh .


What the fuck? You dare defy the fucking God Of War?

If you don't prepare to be fucking blown away, you're head will explode upon seeing the footage, and then you won't even be alive to play it when it comes out.

I just fucking creamed my pants! I fucking love you bbsin for giving me this news!

Now its time to see just how much the game I bought my PS3 for is worth it.

THIS IS GONNA ROCK! I expect this to be the PS3 GOTY, and the Action and Adventure genre GOTY.

The only thing that could make the trailer better is probably if they announce some form of co-op or online. *drool*

When is VGA(?) anyway?

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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Blown away I will.

bbsin said:
Xen said:
I'm bracing myself. By playing GoW 1&2 :)


Excuse me? you're not just "bracing" yourself by playing GoW 1&2, my friend. You're fucking bracing yourself, especially when preparing for GoW3

Well what the fuck, you're right! the sheer amount of baddassery packed in God of War will need me to be fucking persistent in my fucking preparations, so I won't be left without a fucking head upon watching it!


Kratos is gonna kick some fucking ass! No lame ass banana peels like in Mario Kart or nothing!

Prepare to get blown away by how awesome it is.



Shadowblind said:
Now its time to see just how much the game I bought my PS3 for is worth it.

THIS IS GONNA ROCK! I expect this to be the PS3 GOTY, and the Action and Adventure genre GOTY.

The only thing that could make the trailer better is probably if they announce some form of co-op or online. *drool*


oh HEEELLL nah, I would fucking hate that. I don't want God Of War to be fucking ruined by the fucking industry's emphasis on everything being fucking online or co-op. Sony, dont fuck this game up, just leave it the way it fucking, my head hurts after talking like that.

In the end there will be only chaos!

I think kratos might have been talking about the end of the VGA's.