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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wait. Games of Quarter 1 2009 belongs to?

Stats87 said:
NiKKoM said:
I think you are right..
BTW I love the guys at Guerrilla.. some of them are my friends but they also haven't made a really great game before... well.. maybe for Tiny Toon Adventures: Dizzy's Candy Quest... So don't go shouting about From Software.. cause they have made as many great games as Guerrilla...


Killzone 2 has been getting praised to high heavens becasue of it's Beta by Critics and our Peers, so I'm willing to cut it a lot more slack.

Killzone 1 at least wasn't bad, it was a decent FPS. Enchanted Arms, Armoured Core and the last few Tenchu games? Nope

Otogi 1 and 2... like I said.. they have made just as many "great" games..



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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MontanaHatchet said:
I have never seen such biased responses. From the posts I've read so far, no one has taken the effort to make a realistic comparison and just cherry picks games as they see fit. Does it really matter what games each system has? Console sales are largely determined by price and marketing anyways. And the best you could come up with is downloadable content for a 4th game? Seriously? I've never even heard of Ninja Blade (and I'm assuming most other people haven't either).

Look, I'm sure Halo Wars will sell well because it has the word "Halo" on the cover. And I'm sure Star Ocean 4 will sell like crap because it's never been a huge series to begin with. Who cares? The real winner will be the console that can have the most appeal after the holiday rush and continue to sell its games (even with few releases) and that will be the Wii.


 ROFL...Best post on this thread.



jerseyboy609 said:
@RayRay102, so you are saying that halo wars will outsell KZ2?! I am definitely making it a bet and putting it into my sig


 Of course it will. It is Halo, It has free Halo 3 mappack (Crackdown Beta anyone), and Microsoft is going to hype and market the crap out of it. 

Killzone= Huh, Resistance 2 anyone.

I don't need to take your money, save it up for GOW3 and GT5 in 2010. LOL.

RayRay102 said:
jerseyboy609 said:
@RayRay102, so you are saying that halo wars will outsell KZ2?! I am definitely making it a bet and putting it into my sig


 Of course it will. It is Halo, It has free Halo 3 mappack (Crackdown Beta anyone), and Microsoft is going to hype and market the crap out of it. 

Killzone= Huh, Resistance 2 anyone.

I don't need to take your money, save it up for GOW3 and GT5 in 2010. LOL.

It does? and crackdown sold millions right? lol Ratchet and Clank will outsell it soon.®ion=All

 edit: Crackdown had the beta on top of that, I dont think $60 is worth a new map roflolol. Plus, I hgihly doubt halo wars will get high ratings, its a rts (niche genre)

NiKKoM said:

Otogi 1 and 2... like I said.. they have made just as many "great" games..


I had never heard of Otogi, so I'll take your word for it.

But there are two aspects of this. First, is there any gameplay footage? (KZ2, uber-yes, Second, what is the developers history? Both Developers are spotty on that front. But at least with KZ2 with have concrete evidence from the Beta that we can expect quality, we do not have that with Ninja Blade at the moment.

I would love for Ninja Blade to be a great game, just another game for me to play. But I'm not gonna lump it into a "anticipated games" list without good reason.

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Two things I find interesting about this thread:

1. Nintendo doesn't exist

2. We're using past games as barometers for the quality of upcoming games, yet touting Killzone 2 as the PS3's biggest gun. Yes, I've seen the gameplay videos, and it looks fun, but apparently we can only use past games to judge the current ones.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

After reading responses from both sides of fanboys...I must say I am disapointed with Q1.09 as far as HD consoles go, especially after this amazing holiday season. Every single game that has been used as an argument in this thread might suck for all you guys know.

RayRay102 said:
jerseyboy609 said:
@RayRay102, so you are saying that halo wars will outsell KZ2?! I am definitely making it a bet and putting it into my sig


 Of course it will. It is Halo, It has free Halo 3 mappack (Crackdown Beta anyone), and Microsoft is going to hype and market the crap out of it. 

Killzone= Huh, Resistance 2 anyone.

I don't need to take your money, save it up for GOW3 and GT5 in 2010. LOL.


 Resistance 2 will outsell crackdown to lol

thekitchensink said:
Two things I find interesting about this thread:

1. Nintendo doesn't exist

2. We're using past games as barometers for the quality of upcoming games, yet touting Killzone 2 as the PS3's biggest gun. Yes, I've seen the gameplay videos, and it looks fun, but apparently we can only use past games to judge the current ones.


1. That's the guidelines he set out. If were including Wii, I'd say that has the best Q1 line-up by far. (Deadly Creature, MadWorld, Punch Out!, Little King's Story and possibly the new Tenchu)

2. Who said that? My point is that when we have no gameplay footage/demoes/beta's to go by, all we can use is Developer history, which in the case of NB is not great,


Just as I thought when I made this topic.

It is the same old same old from the Sony fanboys.

1. Halo 3 won't sell, Ninja Blade look stupid, or I hate RPG now, or GTA4 DLC do not count.

2. If we are going to use this same excuse evertime, what about motorstorm 2, Lair, Haze, folklord and the other PS3 exclusives. These games don't sell well and bombed hard in sales.

3. Also, stop talking about games that in the future and totally ignored the topic. I even said Killzone will be a great game an I will buy it but in America but the truth is Microsoft has more exclusives coming out in Q1 of 2009. It is a fact.