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MontanaHatchet said:
I have never seen such biased responses. From the posts I've read so far, no one has taken the effort to make a realistic comparison and just cherry picks games as they see fit. Does it really matter what games each system has? Console sales are largely determined by price and marketing anyways. And the best you could come up with is downloadable content for a 4th game? Seriously? I've never even heard of Ninja Blade (and I'm assuming most other people haven't either).

Look, I'm sure Halo Wars will sell well because it has the word "Halo" on the cover. And I'm sure Star Ocean 4 will sell like crap because it's never been a huge series to begin with. Who cares? The real winner will be the console that can have the most appeal after the holiday rush and continue to sell its games (even with few releases) and that will be the Wii.


 ROFL...Best post on this thread.