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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wait. Games of Quarter 1 2009 belongs to?

Stats87 said:
RayRay102 said:

According the Gamestop that game will be released no earlier than May. Jan - April, stick to the topic.

No, Lost and the Damned is not just a horse armor DLC, it is a side story based on another character and it is exclusives and it is GTA so it must coun't for something.

Hell, if you are just going to put in an unproven exclusives like Infamous, why can't anoter unproven exclusive be counted. Make no freaking sense.

First of all, I thought it was coming out in April, so settle down,

2nd of all, we've SEEN InFamous gameplay footage and it looks good. On top of that, Sucker Punch who is making the game, are GOOD developers with a proven track record of making GOOD games.

Ninja has ZERO gameplay footage from a mediocre developer at best.

So let's take out InFamous to appease you, the "score" is 2-1...big bloody deal. Q1 is usually pretty lame


You are funny man. Didn't we said thesame thing about Lairs and HAZE. Infamous does look nice but will will see when it is release in the Summer and Fall maybe.

I haven't got any answer yet from the PS3 camp regarding exclusives from Jan - Apri. Please any?


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I think you are right..
BTW I love the guys at Guerrilla.. some of them are my friends but they also haven't made a really great game before... well.. maybe for Tiny Toon Adventures: Dizzy's Candy Quest... So don't go shouting about From Software.. cause they have made as many great games as Guerrilla...


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

jerseyboy609 said:

Fat Princess (PSN)


 fixed ;)


Fat Princess has been getting rave previews, but I didn't want to bring downloadable games into this.

NiKKoM said:
I think you are right..
BTW I love the guys at Guerrilla.. some of them are my friends but they also haven't made a really great game before... well.. maybe for Tiny Toon Adventures: Dizzy's Candy Quest... So don't go shouting about From Software.. cause they have made as many great games as Guerrilla...


Killzone 2 has been getting praised to high heavens becasue of it's Beta by Critics and our Peers, so I'm willing to cut it a lot more slack.

Killzone 1 at least wasn't bad, it was a decent FPS. Enchanted Arms, Armoured Core and the last few Tenchu games? Nope

Stats87 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
Soriku said:
SO4 > Any other HD game in 2009. 360 wins.



looking at your sig and avatar...I'm surprised by your agreement...


Who gives a rat a$$ about Japan release date, I am stickly talking about the Western world and no, SOCOM is already been released in the states and the reviews are terrible. You Fail.


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God of War III= 2009

God of War III=GOTY

PS3 wins.

@RayRay102, so you are saying that halo wars will outsell KZ2?! I am definitely making it a bet and putting it into my sig

I have never seen such biased responses. From the posts I've read so far, no one has taken the effort to make a realistic comparison and just cherry picks games as they see fit. Does it really matter what games each system has? Console sales are largely determined by price and marketing anyways. And the best you could come up with is downloadable content for a 4th game? Seriously? I've never even heard of Ninja Blade (and I'm assuming most other people haven't either).

Look, I'm sure Halo Wars will sell well because it has the word "Halo" on the cover. And I'm sure Star Ocean 4 will sell like crap because it's never been a huge series to begin with. Who cares? The real winner will be the console that can have the most appeal after the holiday rush and continue to sell its games (even with few releases) and that will be the Wii.



February is gunna be such an awesome month for consoles. the best lineup is simply a matter of taste

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


RayRay102 said:
Stats87 said:
RayRay102 said:

You are funny man. Didn't we said thesame thing about Lairs and HAZE. Infamous does look nice but will will see when it is release in the Summer and Fall maybe.

I haven't got any answer yet from the PS3 camp regarding exclusives from Jan - Apri. Please any?


Haze didn't look good in previews and Lair has been from a hit-and-miss Developer. But that is irrelevant, at this point we have seen zero about Ninja's Blades gameplay and From Software has given us little reason to have faith in them. I'm not going to include a 100% unproven title in this list.

I've already said there are not any known quality PS3 releases in NA for Q1, what more do you want, a victory medal?. The 360 has 2, the PS3 has 1, alert the presses!  The Q1 release period is dry on both sides at this point.

But even at the root of all this, it is subjective discussion with too many factors. If I hate RTS's and JRPG's, the 360 line-up looks bad. If I hate FPS's the PS3 line-up looks absolutely barren. Should we count DLC? PSN/XBLA games? Just move on and stop worrying about what other people think. Unfortunately I got myself sucked into this pointless number crunching.