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Stats87 said:
RayRay102 said:

According the Gamestop that game will be released no earlier than May. Jan - April, stick to the topic.

No, Lost and the Damned is not just a horse armor DLC, it is a side story based on another character and it is exclusives and it is GTA so it must coun't for something.

Hell, if you are just going to put in an unproven exclusives like Infamous, why can't anoter unproven exclusive be counted. Make no freaking sense.

First of all, I thought it was coming out in April, so settle down,

2nd of all, we've SEEN InFamous gameplay footage and it looks good. On top of that, Sucker Punch who is making the game, are GOOD developers with a proven track record of making GOOD games.

Ninja has ZERO gameplay footage from a mediocre developer at best.

So let's take out InFamous to appease you, the "score" is 2-1...big bloody deal. Q1 is usually pretty lame


You are funny man. Didn't we said thesame thing about Lairs and HAZE. Infamous does look nice but will will see when it is release in the Summer and Fall maybe.

I haven't got any answer yet from the PS3 camp regarding exclusives from Jan - Apri. Please any?