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RayRay102 said:
Stats87 said:
RayRay102 said:

You are funny man. Didn't we said thesame thing about Lairs and HAZE. Infamous does look nice but will will see when it is release in the Summer and Fall maybe.

I haven't got any answer yet from the PS3 camp regarding exclusives from Jan - Apri. Please any?


Haze didn't look good in previews and Lair has been from a hit-and-miss Developer. But that is irrelevant, at this point we have seen zero about Ninja's Blades gameplay and From Software has given us little reason to have faith in them. I'm not going to include a 100% unproven title in this list.

I've already said there are not any known quality PS3 releases in NA for Q1, what more do you want, a victory medal?. The 360 has 2, the PS3 has 1, alert the presses!  The Q1 release period is dry on both sides at this point.

But even at the root of all this, it is subjective discussion with too many factors. If I hate RTS's and JRPG's, the 360 line-up looks bad. If I hate FPS's the PS3 line-up looks absolutely barren. Should we count DLC? PSN/XBLA games? Just move on and stop worrying about what other people think. Unfortunately I got myself sucked into this pointless number crunching.