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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Days of Just Assuming that the Wii Version is Inferior are OVER!

See like this guy, I could almost swear he was being sarcastic... But no, he just didn't read

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i agree with mr bubbles, reviewers have come up with a different way to review Wii games, and don't compare them directly to their HD counterparts.

MaxwellGT2000 said:
Grampy said:
theprof00 said:
This was a complete waste of time.

You listed 5 reviewers. Then, you don't even explain what the hell those numbers mean, and follow up by comparing 5 games. One being GH:wii, which I'm not even sure I understand how the versions are different except for the score.

Sorry to waste your valuble time. I thought it was clear that the scores were all from metacritic which rationalizes all scores to a 100 point scale. If that was in any way unclear, I apologize.

I can't really apologize for the title. I can not figure any possible way for it to be misunderstood.



I second this, really if you read the title, the OP, and understand english you should understand what this thread is about.

??? sorry to disagree with you guys.

I'm just wondering why you are using a scale the measures the exact same game as having different score because of the platform. Normally, this would be contrary to logical thinking, (EDIT: because different consoles will have different scores for their same titles) but this is GH there are no improvements or changes or graphical advantages.Plus, you are using it to try to prove a point.

Not only that, but I thought everyone knew that reviewers base their scores on that platform's other games. For example, how can you give a console game a score and then the pc game the same score or lower even though the PC one will outperform and generally have more content and graphics.

It's really really silly, and I love how you try to defend it by making it look like I don't understand the thread title.

applause all around, really.


Ari_Gold said:
i agree with mr bubbles, reviewers have come up with a different way to review Wii games, and don't compare them directly to their HD counterparts.


Well to be quite honest, you're ideas are usually wrong =\ I mean you said you beat me at Mario Kart when I didn't even play you and the only way you could have played me is joining a game my friend was playing while I was away.

That and the fact... that well facts say otherwise just like Gnizmo pointed out, people are directly comparing games like Shaun White, Guitar Hero, and Call of Duty on all the platforms vs each other, it's just usually Wii reviewers take the HD counterpart into the review while the HD review rarely takes anything from the Wii review, usually only compairing 360 vs PS3, cause they love to leave out the fact that Dual Analog sucks for FPS and Wii remote and Mouse and KB destroy it.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

theprof00 said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Grampy said:
theprof00 said:
This was a complete waste of time.

You listed 5 reviewers. Then, you don't even explain what the hell those numbers mean, and follow up by comparing 5 games. One being GH:wii, which I'm not even sure I understand how the versions are different except for the score.

Sorry to waste your valuble time. I thought it was clear that the scores were all from metacritic which rationalizes all scores to a 100 point scale. If that was in any way unclear, I apologize.

I can't really apologize for the title. I can not figure any possible way for it to be misunderstood.



I second this, really if you read the title, the OP, and understand english you should understand what this thread is about.

??? sorry to disagree with you guys.

I'm just wondering why you are using a scale the measures the exact same game as having different score because of the platform. Normally, this would be contrary to logical thinking, but this is GH there are no improvements or changes or graphical advantages. It's really really silly, and I love how you try to defend it by making it look like I don't understand the thread title.

applause all around, really.



Since you obviously didn't read the first time around maybe you'll read it a second time.


"I see everyone bitching about Guitar Hero World Tour on Wii getting better scores, well here's the reason, the Wii version like it or not has more modes then the PS3 and 360 versions as well as having all the songs, online, and DLC. Plus like Guitar Hero 3 it has rumble and speaker support on the guitars which all together puts it as a better effort on Wii.

Also to anyone posting in this thread without reading/understanding the OP, what's the point in posting people? I mean read what the OP says, it's talking about examples of where the Wii version is not significantly lower in score vs other versions. Which is happening third parties are finally getting an handle on how to take advantage of the Wii much like the first couple of years of 360 really didn't offer much and taking advantage of it's hardware, I mean look at how CoD3, Perfect Dark Zero, and a few other first year titles then look at things like Gears 2... it's night and day... So people bitching and whining need to get over yourselves and you're only pissed off because you don't have the "but multiplat games suck on Wii and scores show it" statement to hide behind and troll on the Wii."

And again you completely missed the point of the thread which is the fact that you can't blow off the Wii version as a crappy PS2 port or just complete trash compared to it's HD counterparts and then you get games that are better on Wii because the controls and functions are better on Wii.

But I'm sure you won't read or understand this so I'll probably end up repeating myself and the OP again.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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MaxwellGT2000 said:
Ari_Gold said:
i agree with mr bubbles, reviewers have come up with a different way to review Wii games, and don't compare them directly to their HD counterparts.


Well to be quite honest, you're ideas are usually wrong = I mean you said you beat me at Mario Kart when I didn't even play you and the only way you could have played me is joining a game my friend was playing while I was away.

That and the fact... that well facts say otherwise just like Gnizmo pointed out, people are directly comparing games like Shaun White, Guitar Hero, and Call of Duty on all the platforms vs each other, it's just usually Wii reviewers take the HD counterpart into the review while the HD review rarely takes anything from the Wii review, usually only compairing 360 vs PS3, cause they love to leave out the fact that Dual Analog sucks for FPS and Wii remote and Mouse and KB destroy it.


I prefer the term obliterate :)


JGarret said:

Would you say that a gamer who doesn´t like motion controls will eventually have only 2 options?....Either get used to it or quit gaming?


 I hope not. I'm not for taking away choice. I think after motion control has been perfected and matured, as we are seeing with the development of Motion plus, the balance board and the changes I think we will see in the next generation like camera control by eye movement, tracking of position of hands and feet, no one will even think about old fashioned controllers. Their time will have just passed.

That may seem laughable now but new concepts always do.

 In 1994 Kodak introduced the first real Professional digital camera. For about $8,000 you got 1.5 MP (probably less than your digital phone). Quality wise it was a joke and many photographers laughed and respected experts were talking 10-20 years before it would effect film for professional use. In 1999 Nikon released the D1 and the revolution was essentially over. Within two years I was trying to give away an almost brand new top of the line color enlarger and couldn't find a taker.

When an idea's time has come, it always comes faster than anyone expects.


I edited my post, here is an addition.

"Not only that, but I thought everyone knew that reviewers base their scores on that platform's other games. For example, how can you give a console game a score and then the pc game the same score or lower even though the PC one will outperform and generally have more content and graphics."

regardless of what games he picks, it is stupid to compare the consoles multiplat games because they are just so different in capability and style.

Shaun White, COD, are like completely different games.

joora said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Ari_Gold said:
i agree with mr bubbles, reviewers have come up with a different way to review Wii games, and don't compare them directly to their HD counterparts.


Well to be quite honest, you're ideas are usually wrong = I mean you said you beat me at Mario Kart when I didn't even play you and the only way you could have played me is joining a game my friend was playing while I was away.

That and the fact... that well facts say otherwise just like Gnizmo pointed out, people are directly comparing games like Shaun White, Guitar Hero, and Call of Duty on all the platforms vs each other, it's just usually Wii reviewers take the HD counterpart into the review while the HD review rarely takes anything from the Wii review, usually only compairing 360 vs PS3, cause they love to leave out the fact that Dual Analog sucks for FPS and Wii remote and Mouse and KB destroy it.


I prefer the term obliterate :)


Am I the only one that sees the irony in two consoles that base themselves on big FPS "hardcore" titles, yet these so called "hardcore" gamers don't even seem to realize they're playing with inferior controls and therefore the inferior version of the game?  I mean PC has better graphics, controls, (usually) mod support, and much better online with more players and dedicated servers, and on top of it all the games cost ten dollars less!

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

This is what you don't understand. PC has the hacking community, PC has system requirements.
Consoles, have almost no cheaters, have a more difficult aiming ability (and therefore a steeper learning curve, allowing for good gamers to reach high scores fairly quickly),
have no system requirements.

BTW maxwell, where in the OP did it mention that quote?