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JGarret said:

Would you say that a gamer who doesn´t like motion controls will eventually have only 2 options?....Either get used to it or quit gaming?


 I hope not. I'm not for taking away choice. I think after motion control has been perfected and matured, as we are seeing with the development of Motion plus, the balance board and the changes I think we will see in the next generation like camera control by eye movement, tracking of position of hands and feet, no one will even think about old fashioned controllers. Their time will have just passed.

That may seem laughable now but new concepts always do.

 In 1994 Kodak introduced the first real Professional digital camera. For about $8,000 you got 1.5 MP (probably less than your digital phone). Quality wise it was a joke and many photographers laughed and respected experts were talking 10-20 years before it would effect film for professional use. In 1999 Nikon released the D1 and the revolution was essentially over. Within two years I was trying to give away an almost brand new top of the line color enlarger and couldn't find a taker.

When an idea's time has come, it always comes faster than anyone expects.