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MaxwellGT2000 said:
Grampy said:
theprof00 said:
This was a complete waste of time.

You listed 5 reviewers. Then, you don't even explain what the hell those numbers mean, and follow up by comparing 5 games. One being GH:wii, which I'm not even sure I understand how the versions are different except for the score.

Sorry to waste your valuble time. I thought it was clear that the scores were all from metacritic which rationalizes all scores to a 100 point scale. If that was in any way unclear, I apologize.

I can't really apologize for the title. I can not figure any possible way for it to be misunderstood.



I second this, really if you read the title, the OP, and understand english you should understand what this thread is about.

??? sorry to disagree with you guys.

I'm just wondering why you are using a scale the measures the exact same game as having different score because of the platform. Normally, this would be contrary to logical thinking, (EDIT: because different consoles will have different scores for their same titles) but this is GH there are no improvements or changes or graphical advantages.Plus, you are using it to try to prove a point.

Not only that, but I thought everyone knew that reviewers base their scores on that platform's other games. For example, how can you give a console game a score and then the pc game the same score or lower even though the PC one will outperform and generally have more content and graphics.

It's really really silly, and I love how you try to defend it by making it look like I don't understand the thread title.

applause all around, really.