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Forums - Sales Discussion - Within the next few months, Wii Sports will be the best selling game ever

*~Onna76~* said:
For the million times, Wii Sports shouldn't be counted with software as its bundled with the Wii "ever" since the release of the Wii. A lot of charts don't even count Wii Sports with it.


While the bundled argument has some merit (after all, Nintendo is essentually imposing the Wii Sports tax to every non-japenese customer), if I recall the Wii in Japan is 50$ cheaper, so effectively every bundled Wii Sports sale is a sale in its strictest term. AKA they aren't giving it away for free or extremely discounted which is what happens to most bundled games.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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Bitmap Frogs said:
*~Onna76~* said:
For the million times, Wii Sports shouldn't be counted with software as its bundled with the Wii "ever" since the release of the Wii. A lot of charts don't even count Wii Sports with it.


While the bundled argument has some merit (after all, Nintendo is essentually imposing the Wii Sports tax to every non-japenese customer), if I recall the Wii in Japan is 50$ cheaper, so effectively every bundled Wii Sports sale is a sale in its strictest term. AKA they aren't giving it away for free or extremely discounted which is what happens to most bundled games.


I think this is a good point.

Essentially, Nintendo is forcing non-Japanese customers to buy a copy of Wii Sports if they want to purchase a Wii (sort-of like how some retail outlets force their customers to buy additional retail games in store-only bundles).

Whether that's a good or bad tactic on Nintendo's part, 1) it has been successful, and 2) it shouldn't take away from the fact that all of those people put down $50 extra dollars and walked away with a copy of a video game.  Sounds like a sale to me.


A little out of date, but useful nonetheless.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

Bitmap Frogs said:
*~Onna76~* said:
For the million times, Wii Sports shouldn't be counted with software as its bundled with the Wii "ever" since the release of the Wii. A lot of charts don't even count Wii Sports with it.


While the bundled argument has some merit (after all, Nintendo is essentually imposing the Wii Sports tax to every non-japenese customer), if I recall the Wii in Japan is 50$ cheaper, so effectively every bundled Wii Sports sale is a sale in its strictest term. AKA they aren't giving it away for free or extremely discounted which is what happens to most bundled games.

While before the Wii system was a bit cheaper than it was in the US (using the previous exchange rates), although no Wii sports game was included...

Now however it is just the opposite since the value of the US dollar vs. the JP yen has plummetted. I think when I bought my Wii the exchange rate was about ~115 yen per 1 dollar. So I basically bought my Wii and Wii Sports separately for pretty much the same price as it is in the US(at the time, over a year and a half ago). Now the exchange rate is ~93 yen per 1 dollar, so you would be paying more for the Wii system itself and not get any game with it at the moment.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

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smbu2000 said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
*~Onna76~* said:
For the million times, Wii Sports shouldn't be counted with software as its bundled with the Wii "ever" since the release of the Wii. A lot of charts don't even count Wii Sports with it.


While the bundled argument has some merit (after all, Nintendo is essentually imposing the Wii Sports tax to every non-japenese customer), if I recall the Wii in Japan is 50$ cheaper, so effectively every bundled Wii Sports sale is a sale in its strictest term. AKA they aren't giving it away for free or extremely discounted which is what happens to most bundled games.

While before the Wii system was a bit cheaper than it was in the US (using the previous exchange rates), although no Wii sports game was included...

Now however it is just the opposite since the value of the US dollar vs. the JP yen has plummetted. I think when I bought my Wii the exchange rate was about ~115 yen per 1 dollar. So I basically bought my Wii and Wii Sports separately for pretty much the same price as it is in the US(at the time, over a year and a half ago). Now the exchange rate is ~93 yen per 1 dollar, so you would be paying more for the Wii system itself and not get any game with it at the moment.


Oh I see, it was just a factor of the exchange rates.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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I still see WiiSports as the #1 game this generation, and easily the most important. Without WiiSports, the Wii could have been a flop.

Gesta Non Verba

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Few, if any, games have actually lived up to what Wii Sports promised would be the future of Wii gaming. The VAST majority of Wii titles have the motion control either blatantly tacked on with no added value or they have fun implementations of motion control, but nothing overwhelmingly special. Even as fun as swinging your sword in Zelda was, it was only a waggle with no direct representation of what your hand was actually doing. Aside from a few games such as Trauma Center, what gaming experiences has the Wii given us that we couldn't get before by just pushing a button? For example, why are we 2 years into the Wii's lifespan and we still have yet to see a fully featured baseball game that lives up to the potential that Wii Sports offered? Hopefully Wii Motion Plus will change all of this. I hate to piss in everyones Cheerios here, but I believe that despite how fun it can be, the Wii has not even come close to living up to its potential and IMO is a disappointment thus far.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

Hehe Non Nintendo fans just get over it, nothing is on your side really, stop making fools of yourseves. cry cry cry....

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Naum said:
Hehe Non Nintendo fans just get over it, nothing is on your side really, stop making fools of yourseves. cry cry cry....


 I hope that statement wasn't directed at me.  I've owned every single Nintendo system ever made and count the N64 as my favorite system of all time.  I have enjoyed my Wii very much, but just like any other Nintendo system, its the 1st party offerings that are the crutch that the entire system leans on.  I've played and beaten nearly all of what are considered to be the Wii's best games (Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc.)  I think some Nintendo fanboys have a hard time hearing a lifelong Nintendo fan actually telling it like it is.  I'm not saying you are one of these people, but it cracks me up to hear so many people claim to be so dedicated to Nintendo, but they never owned a N64 or Gamecube.  It's great you love your Wii, but where were you during the "tough times"?

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

dougsdad0629 said:

Few, if any, games have actually lived up to what Wii Sports promised would be the future of Wii gaming. The VAST majority of Wii titles have the motion control either blatantly tacked on with no added value or they have fun implementations of motion control, but nothing overwhelmingly special. Even as fun as swinging your sword in Zelda was, it was only a waggle with no direct representation of what your hand was actually doing. Aside from a few games such as Trauma Center, what gaming experiences has the Wii given us that we couldn't get before by just pushing a button? For example, why are we 2 years into the Wii's lifespan and we still have yet to see a fully featured baseball game that lives up to the potential that Wii Sports offered? Hopefully Wii Motion Plus will change all of this. I hate to piss in everyones Cheerios here, but I believe that despite how fun it can be, the Wii has not even come close to living up to its potential and IMO is a disappointment thus far.


I have said this before. Usually get slammed for it.  Playing Wii Sports at my nephews I noticed that all I need to do is flick the WiiMote.  In reality how the WiiMote is advertised in reality is a fraud.  Advertisements make it seem that you act like a baseball player, bowler, etc. to play when in reality the WiiMote is just a motion controlled switch. Move the controller enought and the switch is thrown.

As far as I know the poster child for motion controls continues to be WiiSports and RE4 Wii. Two games that came out the first 9 months of the Wii existence.

How about a top 10 list of good Wii games that really make use of motion controls. Will any of them be 2008 releases?

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.