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Few, if any, games have actually lived up to what Wii Sports promised would be the future of Wii gaming. The VAST majority of Wii titles have the motion control either blatantly tacked on with no added value or they have fun implementations of motion control, but nothing overwhelmingly special. Even as fun as swinging your sword in Zelda was, it was only a waggle with no direct representation of what your hand was actually doing. Aside from a few games such as Trauma Center, what gaming experiences has the Wii given us that we couldn't get before by just pushing a button? For example, why are we 2 years into the Wii's lifespan and we still have yet to see a fully featured baseball game that lives up to the potential that Wii Sports offered? Hopefully Wii Motion Plus will change all of this. I hate to piss in everyones Cheerios here, but I believe that despite how fun it can be, the Wii has not even come close to living up to its potential and IMO is a disappointment thus far.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.