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Naum said:
Hehe Non Nintendo fans just get over it, nothing is on your side really, stop making fools of yourseves. cry cry cry....


 I hope that statement wasn't directed at me.  I've owned every single Nintendo system ever made and count the N64 as my favorite system of all time.  I have enjoyed my Wii very much, but just like any other Nintendo system, its the 1st party offerings that are the crutch that the entire system leans on.  I've played and beaten nearly all of what are considered to be the Wii's best games (Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc.)  I think some Nintendo fanboys have a hard time hearing a lifelong Nintendo fan actually telling it like it is.  I'm not saying you are one of these people, but it cracks me up to hear so many people claim to be so dedicated to Nintendo, but they never owned a N64 or Gamecube.  It's great you love your Wii, but where were you during the "tough times"?

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.