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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rockband on Amzon for $199

rockband is now available for preorder on for $199 on both the PS3 and 360. it is almost certain to become one of the biggest sellers this holiday season but does anyone else think the price might put a dent in sales?

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Well, thats the bundle with all the accessories. I'm guessing there's going to be bundles with only one accessory for less than $100.

Consoles I Own: NES, SNES, N64, GC, GBA, DS, X360, Wii

They have been at $199.99 for the ps3/360 in gamestop since last month for pre orders what makes this one so cool?


leo-j said:
They have been at $199.99 for the ps3/360 in gamestop since last month for pre orders what makes this one so cool?

The $199 was recently denied. the fact that another retiailer has now pricing it makes it more likely.

what the hell comes with this to make it cost almost a whole games machine?

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wtf? 200 dollars??!?! what does that come with?

Guitar Hero wins this christmas. Rock Band may take over later, with next year's iteration, or the year after that, but many people are goig to see a 200 dollar bundle and a 50 dollar game (since many already have the GH guitar) from a franchise they are already familiar with, and that will be that.">">

gitanil said:
Well, thats the bundle with all the accessories. I'm guessing there's going to be bundles with only one accessory for less than $100.

I know some people will get the game this way, but I when I think of this bundle I think "Hooray we can have a one man rock band!....just like guitar hero...."

I would never considering getting Rockband unless I was getting all of the instruments as well.

To Each Man, Responsibility

This game is just WAY too expensive to be successful. I'm smelling a huge flop.

waste of money, just like guitar hero