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Forums - Sony Discussion - Best Online game(s) for PS3?

The 8 player co-op on R2 is excellent.


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dawve24 said:
The 8 player co-op on R2 is excellent.


Yea, and addictive =/.  Did you know they gave out codes for special skins if you bought certain versions of the game?  One is a gun for Co-op that is an improved version of the Wrait. Makes me sad I didn't get one =/

On Topic:  Warhawk is a good competitive online game and LBP is pretty sweet single player and online.

warhawk, especially considering you can find it for under $20 now.

littlebigplanet for if you like local and online co-op.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Shadowblind said:
Dallinor said:
Resistance 2 may look like Halo, but the experience is quite different and fresh in my opinion. I'm a bit addicted to it at the moment.

LBP is actually very fun online. You can play co-op with a friend offline, then switch to online anytime you want bringing a friend (or two) with you. Very hassle-free and smooth.

Pixeljunk Monsters is a great PSN game. It a tower defence strategy game (with co-op) that's easily given me over 100 hours of entertainment so far.

Uncharted obviously gets the vote as a great offline single-player shooting/adventure experience.

What makes Resistence 2 really different? Because it looks kind of generic, but to me so does Halo 2 and 3(Which I hated with a passion. Loved Halo CE though). Is there another game you can compare it to for online play?

LBP is a top priority for me, along with Ninja Gaiden Sigma :)

I'll look into Pixeljunk, haven't seen or heard much about it.

I played the first part of the Uncharted demo at one of the booths, didn't like it a whole lot. But if its pretty cheap I'll pick it up. 


Well the co-op mode in Resistance 2. You jump into a game with up to 8 players, then set about completing different objectives to complete the level.

This might get boring over time, but the fact is the game scales according to how well the co-op team is doing.

For example, If your team is doing poorly, it will set you up against an easy boss fight as the final encounter for the round, if you're doing very well, you can expect to face a much bigger and tougher boss. It also changes your objectives on the fly. So one play-through you might be directed towards the right side of the map to fight waves of chimera, the next time a section opens up on the left and you're doing something different.

It really adds a lot of replay value to the mode.

Then there's the three different classes, which play like no other classes in any other FPS I've encountered. (Medic is extremely fun to play.)

That's just the co-op, then you have 60-player multiplayer deathmatches on the side. Alternating between the two can lead to very late night gaming sessions as you fast become addicted.

The single-player isn't half bad either.


Uncharted is a game that gets steadily better the further you play through it. When I downloaded the demo from PSN I didn't really like it. After playing it for a bit longer though at a friends house, I decided to buy it.

It's a great experience and by the end you can actual feel yourself becoming a little attached to the main characters (which I think is quite rare in games). I'm eagerly awaiting the sequel.


personally, i'd probably avoid metal gear online. setting it up is a huge hassle, and the gameplay isn't especially fun. Given the number of online enabled games on the ps3, I think you can find much better games to play.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

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To answer one of your questions, MGO has many stealth elements incorporated into it. In one of the game modes, one person gets to play as Snake with his octocamo! If you've played any MG game then you will know that there are Tranquilizers, dirty magazines, boxes, barrels, and other items in the main game, but you can also use them in online multiplayer.

Other than those games that have already been mentioned, I like Pixel Junk Eden and Socom Confrontation.

Fact: Earthbound is the greatest game ever made



WARHAWK = it's own level of fun

(Pssst - Ratchet and Clank for sp)
(and while you are at it download QFB off the PSN)

Max King of the Wild said:


WARHAWK = it's own level of fun

(Pssst - Ratchet and Clank for sp)
(and while you are at it download QFB off the PSN)

The IGN review on SOCOM really hated on it, and the meta average isn't too great either. How is it in your opinion?

Warhawk seems like a great game for online, thats one I'll look into.

My co-op needs are pretty much filled by L4D and GeOW. Still, it looks like a fun single player game.

Whats QFB?


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

All my favorite PS3 exclusives (minus LBP) are more for single player, really. I'd have to warn against buying R2 without first checking it out, the game still feels a bit generic to me. I still feel CoD4 is the best shooter on the PS3.

Nobody recommended Valkyria Chronicles yet, so check out the demo if you haven't yet. That's definitely a PS3 exclusive to look up - not that I've played it personally (besides the demo), I will soon though...

IGN reviewed it pre patch. Look at 1ups review. It has pre patch and post patch reviews here.

You can see the differences in the reviews and see what the patch adressed.