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Forums - Sony Discussion - Best Online game(s) for PS3?

Ok, scenerio: I just starting PLAYING B3YOND(aka bought a PS3, thank you DELL for you $100 off deal :P) and above all, I love competitive online multiplayer games, mainly shooters and, ahem, stealth games. 

So heres my question; as I have a 360 and Xbox LIVE,  what are the greatest online exclusive games for PS3? I've already looked at Resistence 1 and 2 and MGO, but my friends with PS3s don't seem to like MGO and Resistence 2 seems a lot like Halo.

Help, and I think my PSN name is ShadowbIind(with the capitol "i" like my gamertag) While your at it, if you want to recommend a non-multiplat great single player game, feel free to do so as well

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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For the Single player Uncharted and MGS4 if your an MGS Fan. Multi player Warhawk, Tekken 5DR if you like fighters and Motorstorm PR is cool also, Maybe SOCOM if your a fan

Come on PS3 owners give advice >_>

Warhawk if you don't mind a steep learning curve.


Warhawk, indeed. :) I don't think I'll ever find a more satisfying tank game.

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Yep warhawk tank duels are tops. Damn your tank skills dogs.


well right now the best ps3 exclusive online shooters are resistance 2 and MGO, socom they fixed up the servers so u might want to look into that, if u like creating stuff (being a artist) LittleBigPlanet. even if u don't like creating stuff u can check out other ppl maps they made for fun. if u like racing games u could look into motorstorm pacific rift or gran turismo 5 prologue.

i personally recommend resistance 2. if you like FPS, and don't mind getting scared every now and then (resistance can make u jump every now and then). then you should enjoy resistance 2. all my friends i recommended it to, they love it

NOTE-if R2 was that scary, i wouldn't buy it

Warhawk sound pretty fun. Is there any stealth involved in MGO?

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Resistance 2 may look like Halo, but the experience is quite different and fresh in my opinion. I'm a bit addicted to it at the moment.

LBP is actually very fun online. You can play co-op with a friend offline, then switch to online anytime you want bringing a friend (or two) with you. Very hassle-free and smooth.

Pixeljunk Monsters is a great PSN game. It a tower defence strategy game (with co-op) that's easily given me over 100 hours of entertainment so far.

Uncharted obviously gets the vote as a great offline single-player shooting/adventure experience.


Dallinor said:
Resistance 2 may look like Halo, but the experience is quite different and fresh in my opinion. I'm a bit addicted to it at the moment.

LBP is actually very fun online. You can play co-op with a friend offline, then switch to online anytime you want bringing a friend (or two) with you. Very hassle-free and smooth.

Pixeljunk Monsters is a great PSN game. It a tower defence strategy game (with co-op) that's easily given me over 100 hours of entertainment so far.

Uncharted obviously gets the vote as a great offline single-player shooting/adventure experience.

What makes Resistence 2 really different? Because it looks kind of generic, but to me so does Halo 2 and 3(Which I hated with a passion. Loved Halo CE though). Is there another game you can compare it to for online play?

LBP is a top priority for me, along with Ninja Gaiden Sigma :)

I'll look into Pixeljunk, haven't seen or heard much about it.

I played the first part of the Uncharted demo at one of the booths, didn't like it a whole lot. But if its pretty cheap I'll pick it up. 


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.