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Dallinor said:
Resistance 2 may look like Halo, but the experience is quite different and fresh in my opinion. I'm a bit addicted to it at the moment.

LBP is actually very fun online. You can play co-op with a friend offline, then switch to online anytime you want bringing a friend (or two) with you. Very hassle-free and smooth.

Pixeljunk Monsters is a great PSN game. It a tower defence strategy game (with co-op) that's easily given me over 100 hours of entertainment so far.

Uncharted obviously gets the vote as a great offline single-player shooting/adventure experience.

What makes Resistence 2 really different? Because it looks kind of generic, but to me so does Halo 2 and 3(Which I hated with a passion. Loved Halo CE though). Is there another game you can compare it to for online play?

LBP is a top priority for me, along with Ninja Gaiden Sigma :)

I'll look into Pixeljunk, haven't seen or heard much about it.

I played the first part of the Uncharted demo at one of the booths, didn't like it a whole lot. But if its pretty cheap I'll pick it up. 


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.