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Ok, scenerio: I just starting PLAYING B3YOND(aka bought a PS3, thank you DELL for you $100 off deal :P) and above all, I love competitive online multiplayer games, mainly shooters and, ahem, stealth games. 

So heres my question; as I have a 360 and Xbox LIVE,  what are the greatest online exclusive games for PS3? I've already looked at Resistence 1 and 2 and MGO, but my friends with PS3s don't seem to like MGO and Resistence 2 seems a lot like Halo.

Help, and I think my PSN name is ShadowbIind(with the capitol "i" like my gamertag) While your at it, if you want to recommend a non-multiplat great single player game, feel free to do so as well

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.