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Forums - Sony Discussion - Tekken 6 is EPIC!!!

CGI-Quality said:
twesterm said:
No Kunimitsu means no buy for me ;_;


You must have not played a Tekken since Tekken Tag I presume  -_- 

Kunimitsu was cool though, my favorite however will ALWAYS be Eddy Gordo!!!


Tekken Tag = one of the best fighting games *ever*

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Bob.. Miguel... Lili... where does this need for adding useless characters come from?

And those "play on 360" guys... get a new controller.

I shall be looking for you online forevercloud3000, slap, slap, en guard!!!

woohoo, it's the only fighter I buy instead of rent.

Xen said:
Bob.. Miguel... Lili... where does this need for adding useless characters come from?

And those "play on 360" guys... get a new controller.

No thanks I never needed a D-Pad to destroy my enemies

darthdevidem01 said:
I just don't understand what people like in such fighting games.

{punch, kick, punch, kick.....K.O.}

Super Smash Bros is how fighters should be like!!!

0.o you have never played tekken then? a dare you to beat me without a solid strategy playing tekken. How can you compare SSB with tekken? is like comparing a cookie ( SSB) with a steak (tekken).


dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

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forevercloud3000 said:

Check out the trailer from this site! It looks freaking awsome!

OMG! Jin and Kazuya battling it out like that gets my blood pumping. I cannot wait to be bashing people's heads in with...









and Jin

it shall be MAGNIFICENT!!!!

"Fear the Wrath of GOD!!!!" lol


Hell yeah ! awesome in a box. Tekken is the greatest fighting franchise ever and the only one which i buy with each new litteration. A shame it went multiplat and got deplayed but that wont keep me from getting it when it comes out.


Oh yeah, Jin and Kazuya needs to turn to devils (both of them) and face off in the ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN :D that would be fucking awesome...


and heihachi made me laugh XD lmfao "i will destroy this tournament" .. damn that old guy has gotten pwnd :P real bad XD .. he can still do a mean punch though.


Check out my game about moles ^

so due to the 360 version my most wanted fighter is pushed to the end of the year ! thnx a lot Namco, this game should be out right now !!!!!!!!! Arcade board is a Freakin PS3 Board , conversion should take one month not 2 years!!!!!!!!!!!!



Currently Playing: Final Fantasy XIII (PS3), White Knight Chronicles (PS3), PES 2010 (PS3), Killzone 2 (PS3)

Games to Finish: Silent hill Homecoming (PS3), Valkyria Chronicles (PS3), Oblivion (PS3)

Looks great, first day buy.


Best fighting series ever. I'm disappointed Namco can't just release the PS3 version now and the 360 version later, would have made more sense to me. I can't wait for Tekken 6 but unfortunately, that's exactly what I'll have to do.


This game is looking sick. You can play it arcades already right?