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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Real Talk with Snake612: December 5, 2008



Welcome to another edition of Real Talk with Snake612 with yours truly Snake612! Sorry for the delay but I got a lot to talk about on todays weekly thread. Here's what you will be reading today.

Snake612's Thoughts on Black Friday Sales

Real Talk Interview with ColonelStubbs

Snake612's Top Ten must buy games for the Wii,360,PS3

Snake612's favorite VGChartz user of the week

Alright let's start off with Snake612's Thoughts on Black Friday Sales

Snake612's Thoughts: Black Friday Sales

Alright, here's some Real Talk on what I thought about Black Friday this year. Now, first I knew that the Wii was going to win the sales. The Wii ended the week of Black Friday with an impressive 803,956 copies sold (according to American sales for the week ending Novmber 29,2008 thread). They were up more than 500k from last week. The DS did well selling 909,294 copies sold! Nintendo sold about 1.7 million copies with the DS and the Wii combine. Their top selling game was the Wii Fit. Nintendo had an amazing week and will continue to sell pretty well for the rest of 2008. I am bettng on Wii Fit to sell 12 million by the end of 2008!

 Next is the Xbox 360. Even though I am not a big fan of the 360, I have to say that they whooped PS3's ass in sales, this week especially. There I said it! Get over yourselves 360fanboys!LOL! Anyways, the Xbox 360 ended up selling 477,956 copies and outselling the PS3 by more than 300k. Don't get me wrong guys, the PS3 did pretty good in my opnion. It sold 198,608 copies and thats still good sales for me. PS3 will have a great year in 2009! Count on it!

 Now, lets talk about what I did on this Black Friday. I unfortunately didn't go last year because I woke up late. I still got my PS3 though. This year I spent less by buying two Blu-Ray DVDs andNBA 2K9. The two DVDs I purchased was Hancock and Transformers. I finally watched Hancock and I liked the movie alot. I also played NBA 2K9 and I think the game is great and plus I love how they show replays by the end of a quarter.Overall, Black Friday was very quiet where I live. There were barely any lines and everybody just didn't seem happy.I happened to see on the news about the guy who worked at Walmart died during Black Friday. My prayers andthoughts go out to the family. It shows absolute disrespect on the people's part who trampled him to death over sales at a store. Well those my thoughts on Black friday and like I always say THATS REAL!



Next I will be give you my one on one interview with ColonelStubbs on why he traded in the PS3 for the 360.

Here it is I hope you enjoy!


Real Talk Interview with ColonelStubbs

One of the most talked about topics on vgchartz this week, in my opinion, would have to be "The Colonel jumping the ship"thread. Fellow vgchartz user ColonelStubbs made the decision to trade in the Playstation 3 for the Xbox360. This wasn't a shock to me, especially during Sony's tough time in the gaming industry. I recently chatted with ColonelStubbs on his decision and where he stands with not only Sony but with gaming industry.


Snake612:Why did you decide to trade in your PS3 for the 360?

ColonelStubbs:I'll be honest, it was a tough decision. I bought my (first) PS3 in July 07, and was impressed with it from the start. However, I'm a university student with no job, so during term time I live off my student loan, which is a lot, but not that much. Whenever I walk into a store (gamestation, game) there's always a huge selection of 360 games, most of them cheap, while the PS3 section is always a lot smaller and most of the games are full price. I like to get a new game as often as possible, and it's hard considering my financial status. I also already owned every PS3 game I wanted to own, and looking ahead to 2009 none of the games interest me, so I thought to myself, why not swap my PS3 for a 360 and enjoy a huge selection of cheap but quality games, as well as obviously big new powerhouses like Gears 2? And so I did it...

Snake612: In your opinion, what system do you think is more powerful?

ColonelStubbs: After 5 days with my 360, it's hard to summise which console is more 'powerful.' What I can say though, is that after owning a PS3, a 360 is certainly a strange experience. My PS3 was as quiet as could be, no matter what I was doing with it. My 360 however (an Arcade in case anyone doesn't know) makes whirs, clicks, coughs, howls and whistles at me, and it also gets very hot very quickly and...I'll boil it down, Sony's console is undeniably the more impressive when it comes to presentation. I'm also sadly living a tiny bit in fear of getting RRoD, which you have to admit is understandable considering the horror stories I've heard(one guy here at uni has had 4 360's because of it) but at the end of the day, the 360 has been out what, 3 and a half years, I've heard the stories and yet I still bought one so I can't exactly complain if it happens to me because I made this choice knowing it could happen. I will be honest though, the two games I own, Halo 3 and Gears of War 1, are obviously both 360 exclusives, and my word are they impressive (Gears especially). I can have no complaints about the quality of the games, and to be honest, I can't complain about the console either.

Snake612: Where do you think Sony stands in this gaming generation?

ColonelStubbs:I think Sony are in a worrying position. This week they have already been pounded by the 360 (let's forget the wii because the wii is a monster and they really aren't competing because Nintendo have won) and we haven't even got all of the figures in yet. It all comes down to what Sony want. If they want to finish second, they need to slash the price, now. If they want to try and recoup some of their losses, looking at the sales figures, they are selling a lot of consoles so they don't need to cut the price. It must be hard being in Sony's gaming division right now...what can they do? They entered the market relying on brand name and the hope that PS2 owners would keep faith in Sony and buy a console that came out with a hefty price tag. They were arrogant and over confident, and its cost them...

Snake612:Do you still consider yourself a Sony fan?

ColonelStubbs: I enjoyed my PS2 immensely. I enjoyed my PS3 immensely. I wouldn't say I'm a 'fan' of Sony's because lets face it, they don't know who I am, but their consoles have been great, and if they'd put a bit more thought into this generation I would have stuck with my PS3. But as it is, they aren't helping themselves (lack of advertising, the Resistance 2 shipping fiasco) and Microsoft have actively forced themselves back into the fight, something I respect, so while I can say I still prefer Sony, Microsoft have really proved themselves in this last 6 months

Snake612:There have been a couple of threads about Sony being "doomed" and they might have an epic fail this generation just like Dreamcast, Sega Saturn and Atari Jaguar from past generations, Do you think Sony and the PS3 is heading down that road?

ColonelStubbs: I think it's ridiculous to suggest Sony or the PS3 are doomed. There will be a PS4, lets face it. And look at this weeks sales figures...hundreds of thousand of consoles sold, despite a price point that dwarfs their competitors. I think now they, and Sony fans, have to accept third place, and actually get down to playing and enjoying Sony games, because if they don't, thats when Sony will become doomed.

Snake612:How do you feel about this gaming generation and what makes it different from the past gaming generations?

ColonelStubbs: I've enjoyed this generation so far. My PS3 was great, my 360 has been fun so far, and when I've played on my flatmates and girlfriends wii's I've had have obviously come on leaps and bounds, and so has ingenuity with all the motion sensor stuff we have now...I just feel that this generation has become so bogged down in sales and money making that just playing the games has become can't argue with the quality of what gamers are enjoying though can you...MGS4, LBP, Gears of War, we've never had it so good....

Well that was the interview. Special Thanks to ColonelStubbs. I appreciate your time.

Coming up next...........Snake612's Top 5 Must Buy games for the Wii

Snake612's Top 5 games for the Wii in 2009

5) Sin and Punishment 2

4) No More Heroes 2

3) Punch Out

2)The Conduit

1) New Zelda title (there might be no news on it but it definitely will be a hot game and it deserves the #1 spot)

There are my top five must buy games on the Wii for 2009!

And Now Snake612's favorite VGChartz's user of the week is...............................................ColonelStubbs


Keep posting you guys and maybe just you will be Snake612's VgChartz's user of the week.

Alright thats it for Real Talk with Snake612 this week. I will have another Real Talk for you guys next week. Have a good weekend and like I always say THATS REAL!


Now I am going to close out Real talk with a great video and song. Its the Verve "Bitterweet Symphony"

Goodnight everyone!

2008 Copyright All Rights Reserved



Around the Network

everyone just hold on. I am still updating it.


Nice. Very good.

Nice interview, also.

Should just work on the wall of text. Make a few paragraphs, please.

Nice post snake. Throw me a line sometime and I'll inject some hot Zen in your pwnthread.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


marciosmg said:
Nice. Very good.

Nice interview, also.

Should just work on the wall of text. Make a few paragraphs, please.

I second all three parts.

I'm curious though: why didn't you buy any games last week? It was prime shopping time for quite a few titles, and you obviously braved the "crowds" (or lack thereof, in your case). You missed out!


Around the Network

Yea, separate the text into paragraphs. Otherwise, Real Talk is looking pretty good.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

ColonelStubbs: I think it's ridiculous to suggest Sony or the PS3 are doomed. There will be a PS4, lets face it. And look at this weeks sales figures...hundreds of thousand of consoles sold, despite a price point that dwarfs their competitors. I think now they, and Sony fans, have to accept third place, and actually get down to playing and enjoying Sony games, because if they don't, thats when Sony will become doomed.


Speaking as someone who's favorite platform last generation was the Gamecube, I can tell you this is the healthiest attitude to have. If you enjoy the games, what more do you need? I never understood why more people didn't feel this way...


ColonelStubbs: I've enjoyed this generation so far. My PS3 was great, my 360 has been fun so far, and when I've played on my flatmates and girlfriends wii's I've had have obviously come on leaps and bounds, and so has ingenuity with all the motion sensor stuff we have now...I just feel that this generation has become so bogged down in sales and money making that just playing the games has become can't argue with the quality of what gamers are enjoying though can you...MGS4, LBP, Gears of War, we've never had it so good....


I take exception to that last line. My nostalgia forces me to say that the SNES/Genesis generation was soooo much better. Er, for its time, anyway.





@noname2200, did you like real talk this week? My format was perfect but it messed up when I posted the thread. I fixed it and now it looks good.


Good, now it is fixed.

(Weird video by the way) The guy could be a walking Sony symbol. Funny how L{B}P runs by him.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

the interview is nice and enjoyable ,,, keep up the excellent work snake ;)
gonna wait for the next one :)