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Forums - Sony Discussion - 5 Graphical powerhouses exclusive to PS3!

CGI-Quality said:

Isn't it crazy that PS3 has to fight (with itself) to have the top looking game!!! Man that's crazy.


 console wise, yes it is crazy PS3 exclusives are competing aganist themselfs for the best looking game on consoles.

no 360 fanboys, gears was destroyed by uncharted 1 graphic wise so don't come trolling here. gears 2 is gears 1 graphics with better lighting, it looks almost the same. and i own both games so i would know, and even reviewers who are usually biased to ps3 games admit it

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Gears of War 2 anyone??? or i am out of topic???

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CGI-Quality said:
@ eliasg

Yeah off topic bro even though some of us brought it up. As for the best looking console games, IMO, that belongs to PS3 no matter how you slice it. No console game has yet to top Uncharted and that's a 2007 game.


I dunno man, The only thing Uncharted really has over Gears 2 is the lighting and animation, and the lighting aspect is already a toss up. Gears2's particle effects, post processing and textures completely destroys Uncharted's. Uncharted 2 may be a different story, but I think it's pretty clear that gears2 is more graphically impressive than Uncharted: Drake's fortune. Other than that, KZ2 is better than both.

Sony first party studios FTW!!

2009 is shaping up to be a showcase for the PS3's graphical prowess. Graphics sure have come a long way on the PS3 and it will be interesting to see how much further they will be able to push it.

From what I have seen so far I would have to rate the games in the following order-

1. Killzone 2
2. GT 5
3. Heavy Rain
4. Uncharted 2 ( Trailer was impressive but need to see game footage)
5. GOW 3 (Haven't seen any in game graphics)



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CGI-Quality said:
@ Phrancheyez

And what does it have to sell (or rather) not sell to be considered a flop? And why do you say it will flop? Reasons?


Sales?  I'd say sub 500k LTD.  I won't consider it a success unless it hits 1 mil - that's my opinion on any video game.  And why it'll flop?  Because the only people hyped up about this game are people who really care about graphics (not very many - ask Nintendo), and people who follow websites like this (very small percent of the actual gaming community).

There will be a few others who saw the game at E3 or something and will want to give it a shot.  Other than that, the average gamer is going to go to the store and see this game sitting next to KZ2, God of War III, GT5 and Uncharted 2..on top of the fact that the game is almost creating it's own genre, in a sense, and some people won't even consider it if it doesn't fall into the catagories of what they play.

Just an opinion.  I'll definately be renting the game, and if it turns out as good as I think it will, I'll buy it.  But I'm big on graphics, I use websites like this, and I'll already have KZ2, God of War III, GT5 and Uncharted 2 when they come out.

ssj12 said:
why isnt TRICO listed? Honestly, we dont even need to see the game to know its scale.


I think TRICO will probably look better than most of the 5 being mentioned..that's probably my most anticipated title thus far on the PS3.

I guarantee on 14th December God of War III will jump to the top of all of your lists.

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dbot said:
reptile168 said:
wasn't resistance 1 the first must have PS3 game? it sure sold like one as opposed to uncharted.


 Can you rephrase this?  I get the impression that you are trolling, but I don't really follow the thought process.  Resistance 1 was the first must have game, in fact it and Motorstorm were the only games worth owning when they released.  RFOM, Motorstorm 1, and Uncharted all had very good sales. 


I get the impression that YOU are trolling. The original poster said Uncharted was the first must have ps3 game. I, and millions of people who bought resistance 1, believe that R1 was the first must have PS3 game. And it sold over 1 million more than Uncharted at full price for almost two years. I don't know, but you seem the only one who didn't get my message. Learn english?

we can take for granted god of war will have good graphics.

actually they are the ones that pushed the ps2 to it max