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Forums - Sony Discussion - What will make you buy killzone 2?

I'm getting it if it has more than 1% metacritic score.
That's it.

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day 1 purchase

i'll be grabbing it :P
most definately.

Check out my game about moles ^

Robust multiplayer experience! that's first and foremost for me in shooters, and KZ2 seems to deliver.

d21lewis said:
I'll probably buy it if I have $60 and it's on a store shelf.



Buying a game because of how a website ranks it isn't very smart..but if it works for you, do what you do!

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They need to release a demo, I'm not yet convinced.

headshot91 said:
@NYANKS ah but you dont know that yet! i personally hope it will and think it will but hey. BTW while i do take other peoples and classm8's etc views into account if its say a preorder i usually look at at least some reviews b4 bying it. But i dont rely on them solely , everyon else is about the same i thnk


That's a big negative..I don't trust a single websites opinions on any game.  That doesn't mean I don't occasionally agree with their opinions, but I've never agreed with the majority of any single websites opinions.  That being said, because of the same reason, I wouldn't even trust if 5 sites said the same thing - I trust what I see and what I play.

just because I am interested in the story line. that and I am a huge FPS fan

Don't care for reviews im looking for a good campaign mode with good AI don't care much for online play either just a good story


                                                                      Play Me

Since playing this at TGS I have been sold. Basically it boils down to this.

-Best FPS gameplay I have ever experianced
-Best console graphics I have ever seen
-All the grit of WWII Germany, but with modern weapons
-Multiplayer that has been universaly hailed by critics and beta players

This game is like the GTA or Mario 64 of this generation. It defines the the leap we have taken going from last gen to this gen. If you own a PS3 and skip this game, you are not a gamer.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams