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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EGM reveals X-Men Origins: Wolverine for PS360

marvel ultimate alliance sucked. However, if they make this good i might pick it up :p

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Jebus! You people are duche bags :p j/k Wolverine's appeal to me is that he is separate from the rest of the X-Men. His morals are skewed towards violence. He's not a hero in the traditional sense. People love him because he's something less then the rest, but something more at the same time. He's more human than Cap will ever be... the rage that eats at him is in all of us to some degree or another. He manifests it in a way that is both wrong and right. And that Cap movie is the Avengers... if you watch the end of the new Hulk you'll see Tony Stark come in and talk about creating a team.

so this is movie based game? meh move along people there's nothing to look at.

My favorite X-Men gets his own game :D To bad that it will probably turn out crap :(

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Let's change this thread to be about the greatest hero of them all.

I speak, of course, of Thor.

*swings hammer*


Thor was awesome. I'm ofcourse not speaking of the comic version but of the viking god ! :D

Check out my game about moles ^

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The Fury said:
Rainbird said:
Okay, I can say strait away that you will own my ass in terms Marvel/X-Men knowledge, but isn't one of the great appeals of Wolverine that he is an antihero, and not just your "regular" (morally correct, unselfish etc.) hero?

He is and that is his appeal but after years of Wolverine having only his own book and in 1 X-men book, suddenly Marvel have found the appeal of him to sell stuff. He appears in 5 or 6 books a month and to me, he lost his appeal to me long ago.

Good example being that it is known, and Cyclops has said many times, in the comics that the X-men don't kill. Now Wolverine has had his moments and is morally correct except when it comes to life and death. His primary noticable weaponry is his claws that only have the use of killing really, he rarely puts them away. His fists are made of unbreakable metal but he pops his claws anyway.

In the 2nd movie they had him kill loads of what were essentially just army people highered to do a job. Now I'd expect this from Mistique which she does but Wolverine should know better, he should have a better repsect for human life then that for me to consider him a hero.


Now back to the game, I'm sure if the movie is good, the game will get some nice sales.

Wait, you mean the "army people" that were attacking a school and abducting children for extremination? Yeah those poor innocent victims...


Darc Requiem said:
The Fury said:

In the 2nd movie they had him kill loads of what were essentially just army people highered to do a job. Now I'd expect this from Mistique which she does but Wolverine should know better, he should have a better repsect for human life then that for me to consider him a hero.

Wait, you mean the "army people" that were attacking a school and abducting children for extremination? Yeah those poor innocent victims...


Who ever said they were the evil ones? they are just following orders. Henchmen get no respect.


Okay I get your point, but he as a hero, knock them out, disarm them, he doesn't have to kill them.


Hmm, pie.

The Fury said:
Darc Requiem said:
The Fury said:

In the 2nd movie they had him kill loads of what were essentially just army people highered to do a job. Now I'd expect this from Mistique which she does but Wolverine should know better, he should have a better repsect for human life then that for me to consider him a hero.

Wait, you mean the "army people" that were attacking a school and abducting children for extremination? Yeah those poor innocent victims...


Who ever said they were the evil ones? they are just following orders. Henchmen get no respect.


Okay I get your point, but he as a hero, knock them out, disarm them, he doesn't have to kill them.


No he doesn't. Wolverine is not Superman. Not every hero is the same. You don't like the Wolverine, Punisher, Nightwing style hero, I get that. In fact that is why Nightwing exists. Robin/Nightwing and Batmn disagreed on how to handle the criminals. Batman wanted to keep catching them and locking them up in Arkham. Robin/Nightwing wanted to take them out so they would stop escaping and killing innocent people. Sparing the villian does not always make you the hero. Neither does killing the villian. There are pros and cons to each hero type.

As for you first point, following an unjust order makes you just as if not more culpable as the person giving the order. I have friends in the military. If their C.O. tells them to assault a school and they are dumb enough to do it. They are going to court marshalled and sent to Leavenworth.